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I am on a mission to help inform people about the amazing benifits of drinking ORGANIC RAW MILK. I would like to help you change your life forever. Give me a chance. Stay with me. Come back to me. Take heed to my words and I promise you a stronger, faster, body and brain than you have ever possessed. All through a diet of raw organic foods and God's gift to man, Raw Milk.
Depressed? Easily irritated? Feel weak or have trouble sleeping? Chronic heartburn? High blood pressure? Over weight? Lack of motivation to pursue life? These are just a few of the things most Americans generally experience on regular basis. Usually we just write it off as being stressed out or over worked and under rested. Heartburn's a normal thing, they got big o' bottles of antacids right at the supermarket. It's not. Neither is insomnia or depression. Go to the local money rakin' Doctor and he'll fix you up with some drugs to treat the symptoms. Oh, you will go to sleep. The drugs will slow your heart and your brain down so they can't keep you awake. Doesn't that sound jacked? The drugs that you take to help you get a good nights rest are changing the way your heart works to keep you alive. All the chronic illnesses listed above can easily be corrected permentaly by changing your diet even just a little bit. Include Raw Milk into your diet on a regular basis and I gurantee in a short time your major problems will become minor problems, and your minor problems will be gone forever. Towards the end of the Raw Milk section I will go down a punch list of "chronic illnesses" that can be cured just by drinking organic Raw Milk. THE ENZYMES IN THE RAW MILK HOLD THE KEY TO GOOD GENERAL HEALTH AND WELL BEING. Enzymes are a very rare and very special thing. You won't find them in most foods at the store. There are some in fruits and veggies but no where near the amount contained in Raw Dairy products. Enzymes can even kill cancer cells.........
I'm going to turn this into a positive and very beneficial learning experience for any person with the patience to read my words. Over time this page will transform into an abundant supply of solid and researched information illustrating the incredible benifits of an organic diet. And in my opinion, the closest thing to the fountain of youth mankind has. RAW MILK. AAAmmmeeeennnn.
So what the hell is Raw milk? Raw milk is milk straight from the cows udder to your lips. There is no pasteurization or homogenization process involved. Also, it is almost equally important the milk come from cows treated with respect. The cows need to be free range. They need to be able to roam the land and eat unfertilized green grass the way God,Budda,Allah or Mother Nature intended them to. This is very important. This is where the most enzyme rich, theraputic milk comes from. So What the hell's wrong with the "milk" I've been drinking? Store bought, commercially manufactured, pasteurized, homogenized, normal "milk" off the shelf is poison. And I'm not smokin crack. In fact from now on when I refer to commercially manufactured "milk" I'll just call it poison to save time and help reiterate the fact. On second thought let's just call it poison shit. I think that has a nice ring to it.To fully understand how Raw Milk goes from being the single most nourishing theraputic food known to mankind, to being an abomination of health destructing filth that is sold at the super market and force fed to growing children as part of a balanced diet.(Breath) There's a little history involved.(There are 4 types of milk I'll write about. Here they are listed in order of progression in time: Raw Milk,Slop MIlk,Pure Milk and the most devious of all, Man Made Poison Shit.)Back in the day, (pre 1800) Raw Milk was just milk. There was no such thing as poison shit. Milk was just milk. America hadn't industrialized yet and people fed themselves. There was no big commercial farms shipping food worldwide. The country was as it should be today, many small local farms providing their communities with the foods they needed. As the country began to advance and technology brought about the highways and byways of modern day America. People started venturing into other fields of livlihood beyond farming. Factories were popping up and densely populated cities were begining to grow. There was a real buzz of excitement in the air. America was leaving the Old World Daniel Boone type lifestyle behind and moving towards the Homer Simpson style of today.(Gross generalization of course) Small family farms were looked at as being part of the past, and who the hell wanted to break their back farming when they could get a good job in a factory making 45 cents a day. The promise of a better life making more money in the city was a seductive call. Now whether a person farmed or shined shoes one common factor remained, 'Dem mofos gots to get they grub on!! So food and dairy products needed to be produced in mass quantities in relatively close proximity to the ever growing cities. (There was also the war of 1812 that cut supplies off to America from Britian that strained the agricultural system.) ENTER COMMERCIAL WHISKEY DISTILLERIES AND DAIRY FARMS. WOW! The man that thought that one up. Churnin out booze and milk side by side. Genius. So what the hell is the relation between whiskey makin' and milk makin'? Both products were in high demand and the waste products left over from making whiskey could be fed to the cows to make milk. Sad but true. A heinous process of feeding the poor cows nasty waste products left over from making whiskey. The "slop" the cows were fed they ate. They had no choice. It was either that or starve. There was no nutritional value in the "slop" whatsoever but the cows were still able to produce milk and as a result of the unnatural diet, the health of the cows deteriorated quickly. During the industrial age another thing had greatly advanced, efficientcy. The methodical process of setting things up in a line, and accomplishing tasks as quickly as possible on a large of scale as possible. Like an assembly line. The most efficient way to milk cows was not to leave the cows out pimpin' in the pasture and then try to round them up for milking everyday. It was to bunch them all together in long rows on concrete floors with individual stalls for each poor soul. You can imagine the sanitary conditions, or the lack there of. In fact the "commercial bastard farmers with lead for hearts" also found the most efficient way to maintain the herd of cows was to milk the cow to death and then replace it with a new one. Each cow was locked in it's stall till it died. The stalls were cleaned of feces at the time of the cows passing. That's right, the cow spent it's every waking moment standing on a concrete floor in a giant pile of shit. Being fed waste products and milked relentlessly without rest until finally succumbing to the brutal living conditions. The average lifespan of the typical dairy cow at this time was not much more than 12 months. Disease was rampant, including Tuberculosis. People were getting deathly ill and even dying from strange mysterious fevers and diarrhea. Infant/Child mortality rate skyrocketed. 50% of all little people under the age of 5 would not live. Summertime brought waves of sicknesses to children and adults alike. People were literally shitting and vomiting themselves to death and nobody knew what the hell was going on. But even still the bluish colored "slop" milk was lovingly delivered to unsuspecting grateful customers who continued to feed their babies with it on a regular basis. And it wasn't till 1830 that a man named Robert Hartley linked slop milk with growing child mortality rate and wide spread sicknesses.(I just cut out about 100 different scientists who were researching cow sickness and human sickness at the time. It was a huge effort made by many people. Ol' Rob just added it up)
Now comes a ton of information and people all at once that I will condense so I don't bore anyone. In densely populated areas Raw Milk had turned into slop milk because of the way the cows were treated. Sick and dying cows provided sick and dying milk for people to drink. Thus disease and illness was passed on. People figured this out and organizations were formed to watch over the dairy industry to make sure things got cleaned up. Hence Pure Milk. Now pure milk wasn't necessarily a good thing. Yes it was Raw Milk and it was safer than Slop milk, but there were still problems. Corruption, mis-managed commercial farms, whatever. The point is, pure milk could be wonderful clean theraputic Raw Milk from God to Man. Or it could just be certified slop milk that slipped through the cracks and made people sick. At the time who could prove pure milk (Or clean Raw Milk) was being misrepresented and people weren't really getting pure milk. No one. So unfortunately pure milk was classified as slop milk and deemed bad for the world. Enter the man with the Master Plan. Louis Pasteutr. Smart mofo. This guy was hailed as a savior. He figured out that if any milk, regardless of how it was produced was heated up to a certain temperature, the heat would kill all the nasty bacteria in the milk. Thus making it safe for all the momas lil' shorten' breads. However, this proved to be a double edge sword. Sure it made milk drinkable for young and old alike regardless of how it was produced. But it also killed all the good bacteria in milk. THE ENZYMES. The very core ingredient for good health and general well being that so many Americans lack today. A cry came out from the general motoring public. People wanted a law put into place so all milk was pasteurized, and there was no chance of getting sick from milk. The powers that be listened and hum-she-ba, dededulalu, so it was written. The birth of Poison Shit. The devious of all the milks. Although Homogenization was invented well before Pasturization the negative effects on human health weren't really discovered until many years later. And obviously not to many people listened to the overwhelming scientific studies because here we are still drinking Homogenized milk. So what the hell is Homogenization? Well take my hand lil' 2 dolla' pimp and let us dig deep into the heart of the matter. Milk straight out of the udder naturaly seperates. The fat, or the cream, rises to the top. This was an issue for transportating milk over great distances. The milk would seperate and customers didn't always get the whole milk, sometimes they got skim. So a process was invented to solve the problem. The process was Homogenization. Scientists took the milk and basically forced it through small tubes at a very high rate of pressure. What this did was crush the milk molecules and make the fat in the milk as one with the rest of the milk. It changed the very essence of the milk. Homogenized milk is a GMO. Gentically Modified Organism. After the Homogenization process of milk takes place, the molecules in the milk are as alien to the human body as eating a piece of chalk. Unhomogenized milk molecules are round and feel good in the tummy swimin' around. Homogenized milk molecules are jagged and sharp. Are you lactose intolerant? No you are not. You are homogenized dairy intolerant. Just think, when you eat homogenized dairy products your dumping billions and billions of tiny little ninja stars into your gut. Ninja stars flyin around in the gut make you shit. And this is the least of your worries when you eat homogenized dairy products. Lord knows everyone needs a good shit every once in a while. But what about the rest of the body? What are those little flying ninja stars doing when they're absorbed into the blood stream? I'll tell you, jacken' shit up. Now we enter the realm of the modern day man and all his infinite wisdom. Wisdom shaped by greed and financial gain. We basically just steped out of a small hallway into the Grand Canyon. Where the richest most powerfull people in the world control and contort the knowledge that you attain. McDonalds,The Tobacco Industry,The Pharmaceutical Idustry,The Commercial Agricultural Industry, The Oil Industry, Commercial Broadcasting. And all the other people motivated by one thing and one thing only. YOUR MONEY. These are people who are willing to kill you for your money.Literally. So before I continue with the negative effects of flying ninja stars in the body. I must tell you there are very,very smart people out there who will say, bullshit. You can find someone,somewhere who will swear to anything for the right price. Much of modern day medicine is not about treating the cause of the problem. It's about treating the symptoms of the problem. So you keep coming back for that medicine. They want people to be chronically sick. That's what makes money. It's unfortunate that it has become such a big industry now. There's no one man to kill to change the system. It's become the fabric of our reality in modern day America, there's no escaping it. All you can do to negate the effects of the control and manipulation is to exhaust all avenues in the search for THE TRUTH. Inform yourself as best as possible, boycott the bastards, and spread the good word. That being said, on with negative effects of flying ninja stars in the blood stream. This next part is by far the most complicated thing I have ever encountered. I have spent hours reading on this subject and I'll do my best to share the knowledge. Plasmalogen is an essential fatty componet that makes up the majority of the membrane that surronds the muscle cells in the heart. Fat around the heart muscles make the muscles work. In autopsys performed on people who died from heart disease there was a lack of Plasmalogen. For a long time scientists couldn't figure out why the Plasmalogen had packed it's bags and moved away. It was a mystery. Then scientists discovered Xanthine Oxidase. An enzyme produced in the body. What purpose this enzyme really has is still being debated. But regardless of the purpose more importantly was the ability of this enzyme to destroy Plasmalogen. Why the hell would the body produce an enzyme that could destroy the heart? X.O. was never intended to get to the heart,at least not from within the body itself. The only way X.O. could be introduced to the bloodstream had to be through diet. Yet again another mystery for scientists. X.O. was proven to be easily and completely destroyed in the digestive system. The body wouldn't allow X.O. to be absorbed. Except the X.O. from man made gentically altered homogenized milk. Cows milk is loaded with X.O. that is destroyed in the stomach, providing the milk be in it's natural state. Unhomogenized. The X.O. rests on the outside of the fat molecules and the digestive enzymes destroy the harmful X.O. Simple. The way nature intended. However,in homgenized milk the fat molecules have been smashed by the process and are much smaller. The size of the X.O. So the X.O. is able to get inside the fat molecules of the milk and hide from the digestive process. They ride all the way to the blood stream unscathed by the digestive enzymes and are absorbed directly into the blood stream. Where upon entering the viens and arteries of the human body they begin to tear shit up immediately. The sharp jagged edges of the homgenized milk molecules bounce up and down and side to side in a nightmarish frenzy that leaves the tender walls of the veins and arteries with small abrasions. The body trys to heal itself by depositing cholestrol at the site of injury. Over time the cholesterol begins to mass and can either rupture or clog the path. As the X.O. close in on the heart they begin to laugh and cheer, their new home is in sight and they can't wait. Upon entering the heart the X.O. begin to oxidize the plasmalogen and take their place. The plasmalogen have no choice but to move out. The X.O. prove to be very lazy new tenents of the heart. They just want to hang out and freeload all over the heart. They scoff at the desperate pleas from the exhausted heart muscle cells and take no part of helping the heart beat. The muscle cells begin to die. They can't do their job alone. Tears begin to well in the eyes of the heart muscle cells. They know their fate. They will fail their mission and let the heart of this good person die. The X.O. laugh at the irony of it all. They watch this mans life come to an end because he was to lazy to shake his milk. Homogenized, Pasturized, Milk. The most devious of all the milks. Is it that hard to believe? We all know tobacco is bad. It's for sale. We all know alcohol is bad. It's for sale. Not many people know THE TRUTH about milk. Mommas feed their little shortin breads milk all the time. Hell I remember being forced to finish my milk at the table. Food didn't go to waste. The Pasturization and Homogenization process is a world wide multi billon dollar gig. McDonalds, The Commericial Agricultural System,Big Oil, these are people who are willing to kill you for your money. Sound familar? Milk is so innocent. Mom goes to the store to get good food for her babies to grow big and strong. Milk is the #1 staple of the American diet and it's bad for you. Besides processed foods it is speculated to be the leading cause of heart disease and cardiovascular problems in general. Not cholesterol and animal fats. Believe it or not cholesterol and animal fats are very good for you. Trials conducted to prove cholesterol and animal fats cause heart disease and cardiovascular problems are bogus. The "Proof", that claims cholesterol and animal fats are bad for you is based on studies from years ago. So when you read biased information on cholesterol, the resources being cited are from inconclusive results conducted in experiments initiately funded by people who don't care about anything except the dollar. You shouldn't be suprised to learn that these tests were paid for by the processed food industry. They stand to gain by manipulating the results of the tests to make it look like cholesterol and saturated fat is the enemy. Lean Cuisine? Healthy Choice? Gimmie a break. There's nothing in it to fuel your body. Plus there's tons of additives, preservatives and natural flavors. What the hell are natural flavors? I'll tell you. Big long complex chemicals created in a labratory by someone getting paid to trick your brain into thinking what your eating tastes good. There is an overwhelming amount of black and white evidence that proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that hydrogenated vegetable oils, refined sweeteners, genetically altered processed dairy products, preservatives and "natural" or artificial flavorings are the main causes for diseases, especially heart disease and cancer. The cell membrane is the gate of life. It lets in and out the substances that keep us alive and healthy. Saturated fat and cholesterol are the main components of the cell membrane. Without them life would not be possible. The greatest mass of cholesterol in the body is the brain and nervous system. Think how many horrible nervous system diseases afflict our modern day America. It's a growing trend in America and it's because as a whole we are eating empty foods void of enzymes,cholesterol and animal fats. Not cholesterol and fat from fast food restaurants mind you. Full fat from organic dairy and meat products. Chicken on the grill with a plate of fresh salad anyone? Bullshit! The chicken is dead, we are alive. Look yonder into the deep woods or into the oceans. Are living creatures eating dead cooked foods? No. Because humans are the dominant creation we think our diet should be different from the rest of the living creatures on the planet? Have you ever seen the inside of a real chicken processing plant? I have. It made me sick. Picture in your head as many chickens as you can. Endless chickens in all directions in your head right? Now take all those chickens and cram them into a suitcase. That's about how tight it is. In order to keep the chickens from killing each other they cut their beaks and part of their feet off. I've seen the process. One after another like an assembly line the chickens are snatched up by workers and their beak is inserted into a clamp device that just shears their beak right off. They don't even clean the poor things bleeding wound. They just throw the thing aside like a piece of trash and grab another one. These are not people who care about your food being good or bad for you. They rob the chickens of the very essence that makes them a chicken. Their freedom to roam, to express basic instinct type behaviors. To live in a stress free and clean environment. The chickens are packed so tight they can't even move. Ever heard of cage free chickens? Okay, lets take all the chickens out of the individual cages and just cram them into one big room. That way people will think cage free chickens are yum and healthy. Bullshit! Is that a 1960's shag carpet under all them birds or a beautiful marble floor? How the hell would I know. You can't see the floor in the rooms. Just chickens as far as the eye can see. Stacked like cord wood. Fed an unatural diet of strange chemicals dried out and rolled up into little poison pellets called grain. Pumped full of antibiotics to keep them from getting sick. Pumped full of growth hormones to make them big, and spending their entire lives standing on concrete floors. Chickens wouldn't naturaly live and flourish in that kind of environment. They are chemically forced to live and grow. Sounds like how they treat cows of the modern day commericial dairy industry. So rethink your selection of food when trying to eat "healthy". Commerically manufactured chicken is not healthy. Stay away from veggies and fruits also. I will go into further detail about fruits and veggies later. Hungry and afraid to eat? Shop local. Meet your local farmer. Get to know them. Chances are they are very passionate about organically grown meat and veggies. No farms local? Get online and order organic meat to stock your freezer. There are many people who will help you unplug from the commericial agricultural system. These are people who know the truth and are usually willing to bend over backwards to give advice and help. So we established why pasteurization was implemented into the commercial milk making process. The cows were treated so poorly the milk had to be sterilized for human consummation. Which today in modern day milk production is still the case. Not as extreme as back in tha' day, but still not the way it should be. So across the country it is federal law that milk must be pasteurized in order to sell it to the public. The only place to get unpasteurized, unhomogenized milk is at it's place of origin. The farm. However, our right to buy unmanipulated, government controled milk, is being encroached upon. This is very scary. Lobbyist who represent the commercial pasteurization and homogenization industry are trying to outlaw the retail sale of Raw Milk. They do this by supporting elected government law makers thourgh vacations, prestigious golf memberships,donations to the campaign fund, or just downright, dirty ass, cold hard cash in they' pockets. They keep their pimp hand strong. This means your right to go directly to the farm and buy real uncontroled milk is ending. I believe the law is in effect in 15 states now. It is illegal to go to the farm and buy milk. And get this shit. In Canada not only is the retail sale of milk illegal, it is also illegal for farmers to drink their own milk. Aint that some shit if I ever heard some shit. Proponents of the pasteurization process will claim this is for the safety of people. They lie. For the most part commercially manufactured milk should be pasteurized. The big commercial farms don't care about the cows or the living conditions because it isn't profitable to. I would not drink Raw Milk from a commercial farm. But a small organic dairy farm or even a big organic dairy farm with ethical people at the helm, produce milk that does not need to be pasteurized. To further illustrate this point an experiment was conducted where scientists introduced the bacteria Ecoli and Salmonella directly into the Raw Milk. After 24 hrs of observation the harmful bacteria had vanished. The scientists concluded the active enzymes in the unpasteurized Raw Milk Destroyed The Enemy! Further proof that Raw Milk is from God to Man. This shit is orchestrated. And NO milk should be homogenized. The proponents of the pasteurization process work hand in hand with commercial dairy farms to form a dynamic duo of dueshbags who's goal is to stomp out the lives of small organic farmers and stand tall over the obliterated people in their shadow. Not only that, they pollute the land as well.(I'll go into that much later.) Now we're off to cover the hardcore information on ENZYMES. What they are, where they come from, and how they can not only change your body on a physical level, but on a mental and spiritual level as well. If you include enough enzymes into your diet from the right foods you will no longer need to apply your will in life. Your new job will be to literally hang the hell on, and steer the ship. Holy shit! Isn't it fun. So what the hell are ENZYMES? Enzymes are large molecules made up primarily of protien and are an intricate facet in every living cell on the face of the planet. You, me, and every other living organism could not exist without them. Without getting into to much scientific mumbo-jumbo I will break the classification of enzymes down into 3 major groups. First and foremost would be the metabolic enzymes. These are the enzymes that play a huge part in your day to day bodily fuctions, such as breathing, talking, moving, thinking and maintenance of the immune system. (Right off the bat you can see why including more enzymes into your diet is so important and makes the will to pursue life so much easier to attain.) The next major group of enzymes are the digestive enzymes. Okay, here we go again. Digetstive enzymes are speculated to be manufactured in the pancreas. But from unbiased reasearch from scientists unmotivated and unsupported by the processed food industry, the manufacturing of enzymes in the body is more like a do or die reaction the pancreas is forced into. It is hard long work for the pancreas to create the enzymes to digest the food we eat. Lastly and certainly not leastly would be the food enzymes. These are the enzymes that you need to hunt down and gorge upon with relentless abandon to personal health and safety. Unfortunately mainstream American diet is almost completley devoid of these life enhancing and life elongating little miracles of work. Eating Raw veggies and fruits is a mediocre, sometimes deceptively evil, way to attain your enzymes from the Commercial Agricultural System. Time to go off! BIG AGG. SHITS ON THE WORLD! Research has shown the major polution of the world is from Big Commercial Farms, not autombiles as the people in power would have us believe. The Earth harbors unbelievable amounts of carbon dioxide in the soil that is released in large amounts when farmed efficiently and unscrupulously by Commercial Farm dummies. Not only that, the pesticides,herbicides and fungicides used on the crops are malevolently persistent in their programed pursuit to kill,kill,kill. Like potatoes? The most efficent way to harvest them is to spray the plants with weed killer so the foliage dies, and the potatoe picker can dig them out of the soil without the plant itself clogging up the machine. In essence we are given potatoes that have been killed by a chemical before harvest. This is a fact. I personaly have seen my friend Bruce on his Organic Farm digging potatoes out of the ground by hand. The man has ethics, willpower, and a strong back. The process of growing an abortion to Mother Nature is not limited to potatoes. In fact you can bet your bottom dollar every single fruit and vegetable for sale at the grocery store has been chemically forced to grow and look good. Apples should not be so shiny they reflect light and damage eyesight. This is America, we want our food to be pretty. Ever heard of the powerful pesticide DDT? The one that was banned years ago because it had a direct effect on the mortality and reproduction rate of the Bald Eagle. Well guess what. America the Beautiful still manufactures DDT for export commercial sales. Hooray! And isn't it extra fun to know that America in turn imports fruits and vegetables from countries that allow the use of DDT. Stand up and praise God DDT will never go away. Oh look honey, a big beautiful load of bannanas headed toward the American shore fresh from Ecuador. Quick! Pull out your pump sprayer filled with pesticides that have a half life of 100 years and hose down the whole load. (Small exert from day in the life of married couple recieving foreign food imports.) Not only do foreign countries use chemicals outlawed in America, when the foods get to the border by Law the shipment is to be sprayed with insecticides to keep certain bugs from migrating to our country. So foods from distant lands not only put more of a strain on the unsustainable use of the oil industry, add to the pollution of the world THROUGH the use of the oil industry, fuel the ever growing corruption and control imposed by the oil industry, they are given a double whammy dose of carcinogenic chemicals that are designed to last, and last, and last, some more. Fun for the whole family. Another intresting fact about commercially produced fruits and vegetables beyond the fact that they're grown with poison and sprayed with poison, is that they are cheating you out of your nutrional gain by eating them. Chemically grown foods do not have the nutrional value that Mother Nature intended them to. You may very well know that the blueberries you buy at the store have been grown with poison,sprayed with poison, and are directly attributed to the support and funding of multi-billion industries that manipulate the knowledge you attain while polluting the world. But you have decided to eat them anyway, in hopes that the outstanding, naturally occurring, anti-carcinogenic properties of the blueberries will out weigh the risks of the poison they are grown and sprayed with. This is the real dilemma most conscientious informed Americans have to face day to day. What the hell can we eat if we can't eat the food at the store? I feel you pain but I must continue. Those blueberries you have decided to eat do not have those outstanding, naturally occurring, anti-carcinogenic properties they should. As most of the fruits and vegetables at the store do not have what they should. Just like the chickens. They have been chemically forced to grow and prosper. A living thing is a living thing. There is no difference. Energy is energy. A little off the subject but a good analogy to illustrate this fact is the plant experiments. Scientists exposed 2 ordinary house plants to the same temperature,light and living conditions. The only difference is 1 was given very soft gentile ambient sounds and the other was given atrocious, shrieking, glass shattering heavy metal 24 hours a day. The plant given the ooohhhmmm,ooohhhmmm,ooohhhmmm did very well indeed. Growing full and blooming to the best of it's potential. The plant given the obnoxious, loud, hate and negativity, did terrible. Failing to propagate and bloom to it's full potential. Is this just a kwinky-dink? I personally feel there is enough proof out there to say not. Negatively produced consumables beget negative people who eat them. This goes for animals,vegetables, and fruit products alike. Those blueberries are miserable just like those chickens. Very busy, will update again soon.