A devoted Father, and....... A barmy Brit who's favourite word is FANTASTIC!!.. I don't like cheesy ravers much, but I do like good dancers!!... I like to help dis-advantaged people, and I have no time for SELF ABSORBED PEOPLE :). I also admire people who are able to take stick and don't mind looking silly!
I also have serious issues with personal hygiene, let's just say I obsess over cleanliness! Deal with it! I'm also a sucker for women with accents especially if they carry a tattoo or two...... Jamaica ginger cake, malt loaf, hula hoops, cheese on toast with worcestershire sauce, jaffa cakes and marmalade on toast. Trainers, Trainers, Trainers!!! Anything else feel free to ask ;)
PS - Paper chasers need not apply ;-[