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About Me

Andrea Valle (1974) is born in Ciriè, near Torino, from which it seems that he cannot escape. An electric bass player interested in experimental rock and in free jazz (God helped him with a Frudua six-string fretless bass), he studied composition with Alessandro Ruo Rui in Torino, and then with Azio Corghi and Mauro Bonifacio at the Fondazione Romanini in Brescia, while attending masterclasses by Trevor Wishart and Marco Stroppa. His work as a composer is mainly focused on algorithmic methodologies, indifferently in the electro-acoustic and in the instrumental domain. His works are often based on his own composition system named GeoGraphy , now developed in the marvellous SuperCollider language. When composing for acoustic instruments, he is interested in developing compositional methodologies for automatic notation generation (where notation is intended in the broadest sense, like this ). His compositions (see here ) are seldom performed (with some good shots: Logos Foundation, OSN Rai of Torino), but this fact, helas, does not help him in quitting composition. The ZeitGeist, plus some other circumstances, has lead him to work with multimedia installations (e.g. this is a homage to Alighiero e Boetti) and recently with film music (for a project hosted by Le Fresnoy ). He is a proud member of the editorial board of SuonoSonda . Incidentally, he gained a Laurea degree in Sciences of Communication at the University of Torino, and then received a Ph.D in Semiotics from the University of Bologna. Actually he is researcher at the Multimedia faculty of the University of Torino where he teaches Audio and multimedia. In the meanwhile, he has written three books, respectively on musical notation, digital audio and film analysis. But that's another story: in that case you can take a look here .


My Interests


Member Since: 26/05/2007
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Type of Label: Major

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