3wk Undergroundradio profile picture

3wk Undergroundradio

About Me

Why we do this:
We love music. We hate the corporate state of music today, and know there are millions of people like us all over the world. And we know there are fabulous artists that belong on your speakers that aren't making their way there because you don't know about them. Thus 3WK..

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Indie rockers, groupies, bands, and their moms. Anyone who loves to discover new music. If you want us to discover YOU, send a cd to 3WK, PO Box 160161, St. Louis MO 63116.

My Blog

There's too much music!

Well, it's fall again and the new releases are coming out in droves. Reams. Massive quantities to consume. Every day Joe delivers another 25 cds and when I get to the PO Box there's another 30. Geez. ...
Posted by on Tue, 19 Sep 2006 13:48:00 GMT