Mötley Crüe - Girls, Girls, Girls
Waiting Mötley Crüe's concert in Wettingen and Gods of Metal 2009.
authoress, (02/09/1988) born in Mendrisio, has began her travel in the write's world very early, in the 1992, ispirated by the music of Gotthard and others rockbands so loved, especially Iron Maiden, Kiss, AC/DC, Motley Crue, Whitesnake, Deep Purple, Led Zeppelin, Guns'n'Roses and more. In 1999, with an article on the "Rivista di Lugano", she made to known by the public and, two years later, with the short story "The Knight", she obtaines the first position in a writing contest, whom they follow others. In March 2008, with the help of the "Edizioni Creativa" (Torre del Greco, Naples) has published the first book "Dreaming Rock", a collect of fantastics and musical's short stories. From May to August 2008 has presented him on radio and television, with "Teleticino" and Radio3III and made a promotional's tour, started from Lugano in May and ended in November, in Lugano ever, after have touched concerts, in particular the openairs of Palagnedra and Montecarasso, Melidestate and the Rivella Young Fun Party, and more manifestations.