I'd like to meet just one Person who aint scared to keep me on their top friends. I've been booted off of so many pages it's pathetic. Oh those people are still my friends. But they scary. They have to follow along behind other people. For example: I pissed off somebody with a little bit of power. So what He was wrong.Well anyway, all of his friends started dropping me off their top friends.Why. I didn't do anything to either them. I just kept HIS ASS in check.I think people in this world are fakes. I aint gonna be fake. If I love you and I got you . Then I got you for Life. But if I don't trust you, and I cant depend on you. Then I don't want you in my presence. If I allow you around me and act like it's all cool and lovey dovey and shit I'm perpetrating. I'm fake..That attitude brings to us a negative energy. When we walk around and be in the presance of negative energy we have negative thought. We beome negative thinkers. Making us negative people..Think About it