" Bring It " profile picture

" Bring It "

I am here for Friends

About Me

Well... to tell you the truth. I'm really a cool person. I must say that as I grow Spiritually, I am becoming more aware of my character or should I say Charecter Flaws.There was a time when I would Knock fire from a Bi.......... (ooops!! my bad ya'll.)Let me try this again. There was a time ( not too long ago) when I swung first and asked questions later.I have had anger management issues from youth. I call it Mis-Placed aggression.Maybe it's because of the atmosphere I grew up in. We were never on to tolerate disrespect nor did we accept excuses. Wrong is wrong and right is right. When we make mistakes we are disciplined. Bottom Line.Our form of discipline was violent. We are a violent nation. Violence was at one time our answer to most problems.Conflict resolution. Thats what the Spirit has taught me. I find alternative ways to handle my anger and sometimes rage.I dont like bullshit. I dont accept bullshit. and a lot of ya'll out here " Full Of Shit". So when you come into my presence, you always bringing me that " BullShit "I just dont have time for it. Judge me if you want to. Talk about me, ( behind my back of course, cuzz in my face you be like, HEY GIIIRL ""Yeah I've changed. But I still think some of ya'll need yo ass whooped. For many reasons. Fathers that abandoned their families just because you and the baby momma caint get along. Stupid ass man that is your SEED. and for that.. You need yo ass whooped.Or these messy ass females who go Hood Hopping. Sleeping with all the sexy ass Thugs but not for one second do they think of how Hood Hoppin causes sets to start killing each other. If a brother see his feline with a thugg from a different set, and they get into it. It becomes a Hood War. And these stupid ass little Girls chasing Ding a ling..They need they ass whoopedSo the moral of the story is. Im really a cool person. I don't accept excuses from myself. When I'm wronge and discover it, I ask forgiveness. Therefor I don't like excuses form other people. I believe in corporal punishment if that means I can whoop my kids ass when they need it. And might whoop yo ass depending on mood. ( I just Play'n,,, no I aint )

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I'd like to meet just one Person who aint scared to keep me on their top friends. I've been booted off of so many pages it's pathetic. Oh those people are still my friends. But they scary. They have to follow along behind other people. For example: I pissed off somebody with a little bit of power. So what He was wrong.Well anyway, all of his friends started dropping me off their top friends.Why. I didn't do anything to either them. I just kept HIS ASS in check.I think people in this world are fakes. I aint gonna be fake. If I love you and I got you . Then I got you for Life. But if I don't trust you, and I cant depend on you. Then I don't want you in my presence. If I allow you around me and act like it's all cool and lovey dovey and shit I'm perpetrating. I'm fake..That attitude brings to us a negative energy. When we walk around and be in the presance of negative energy we have negative thought. We beome negative thinkers. Making us negative people..Think About it

My Blog


You all might not beleive this. But there is Power in Prayer. Unmatchable, Supernatural Power. I know it, I live it, I see it every day manifesting in not only my life but in the lives of my people.So...
Posted by on Mon, 31 Mar 2008 20:00:00 GMT

Why Me!!

Sometimes I think havick and drama follow me just cuzz I’m from Hoova. You know how everybody always saying we this and we caint be trusted and we always doing this or that. And we do a lot of t...
Posted by on Sun, 30 Mar 2008 17:01:00 GMT

Once Again Father .. Please

In the Mighty name of Yeshua, I call upon the Un-Matchable Power of the HOLY SPIRIT, to engulf my brother right now and at this time. Put a fiery hedge around him that he may be protected at all times...
Posted by on Sat, 09 Feb 2008 13:06:00 GMT

Here We Go Again

Look like I kept beating myself, and beating myself. The life style I chose and the habits I let control me. I was miserable. I'm trying to figure out when the Insanity Stopped. When did I reach that ...
Posted by on Sat, 09 Feb 2008 11:09:00 GMT

For My Brother With Love

It has been brought to my attention that you are somewhere suffering. You are feeling ashamed of your actions and the control your " Addiction " has over you. Well please hear me when I speak my Dear ...
Posted by on Sun, 09 Sep 2007 11:21:00 GMT

Me ( not a new post, I was spell checking)

Well I think that it's time to take you all to school on this reationship issue. I've been single for some time now. I chose this way of life because I really believed that I could not be happy u...
Posted by on Thu, 05 Jul 2007 14:40:00 GMT

What a man needs

I really dont think many of you know what our brothers need. If you did, our divorce rate would not be so high. Plus, I see a lot of things going on as I am  out and  about in the ...
Posted by on Wed, 27 Jun 2007 13:35:00 GMT