Under normal circumstances I would say something along the lines of " Hot women" but they are just more hassles than they are worth. Hot women BE GONE! You are a very nasty type of evil that fragile men, with the usual human heart can not handle!
Anyone interesting, who can hold an intelligent conversation.*Please not I'm not saying I can do that but I'm willing to try*If you have something important to say get on the soap box and say it! If you have something stupid to say PLEASE PRETTY PLEASE WITH A CHERRY ONTOP AND SPRINKLES AND NUTS AND CHOCOLATE SAUCE, PLEASE GET ON THE SOAP BOX!!! I really need a laugh!
Don't add me if you are not gonna talk at some point in your miserable existance! If you are in England or South Africa please add away! I'd be happy to hear from you!
If you are a band...Don't moan if I don't accept...Just go practice some more before you try again. Sucking is not a crime... Although I don't have to put up with it.
Do yourself a favour a take a look at the wonderous work of this glorious Lady! And a complete bonus for all the guys and some of the girls (We don't judge here) She is mind numbingly beautiful!And here is the bestest, bestest thing in the whole wide world! He is my Son, Gahbryel, and happy thought! Yay!!! Every time I feel down (which is pretty often at the moment) he puts a smile on my face by just being in the world.Get Your Own! | View SlideshowTell me that he is not the most beautiful thing in the world! God I sound like one of "those" parents...Eessh!..