xXx-loverose-xXx profile picture


xXx-its dat one dats a keeper as long as you know how to treat her-xXx

About Me

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wts gud ppl...wel my name is loverose...i'm dat down 2 earth simple type of girl...innocent 2...nah i'm lyin be wild,loud n crazy at times but don watch dat side of me lol...i'm friendly n easy 2 get along wiv...i respect maself n those who respect themselves...i'm generally a nice person but if u cross me then u get wot u deserve...i enjoy singin n writin a bit of belly dancin n otha types of dancin which r 2 long 2 mention...i cn be shy at tyms guess u culd call dat my weakness...those hu noe me myt say dats nt tru lol...aint gonna expose ma whole lyf story on eya so if u wan no mo...add o message me...i don bite unless u ask me 2...dat brown skin wun x loverose x
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A 200 Question Fun Survey 4 Myspace (All The Bzoink Surveys Put Together)
Full Name:: loverose m
Birthday:: 17 jan 1991
Birthplace:: bulawayo
Eye Color:: brown
Hair Color:: jet black
Height:: 5ft 7
Weight:: dno
Right handed or Left handed?: right
Your Heritage:: black african :)
My Worst Habit:: singin n dancin round the house
Zodiac Sign:: capricorn
Shoe Size:: 7
Pants Size:: wuldn u lyk 2 noe
Innie or Outie?: wt?
Parents Still Together?: yup
The Shoes You Wore Today:: comfy pink slippers lol
Your Weakness:: dat one boi
Your Fears:: chamelions
Your Perfect Pizza:: pepperoni plus
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year:: go on a gd holiday
Your Most Overused Phrase On An Instant Messenger: lol
Thoughts First Waking Up:: who called me wen i was asleep
Your Best Physical Feature:: i lyk da whole me
Your Bedtime:: 11 ealiest
Your Most Missed Memory:: year 11 :(
Favorite color?: pink
Food?: chocolate
Sport?: volley ball
Animal?: bunnies
Ice Cream?: vanilla
Candy?: haribos
Store?: gt loadz
Salad Dressing?: dno
Actor?: shawn wayans....marlon wayans
Song?: tamia...the way i love you
Letter?: L
Number?: 7
Gum?: extra da blu 1
Holiday?: south africa
Season?: summer
Toothpaste Flavor?: mint
Radio Station?: northants 96
Perfume?: far seductive
Scent besides perfume?: roses...his cologne
Body part on the opposite sex?: lips...chest...bum...eyes
What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?: art therapist
How Do You Want To Die?: peacefully
Turn ons:: bein ur self...bein down 2 earth
Turn offs:: 2 horny guys...loud mouths...ppl hu r 2 cocky
Which One Of Your Friends Acts The Most Like You?: jordene
Who's The Loudest?: yafa
Who Makes You Laugh The Most?: jordene
Who Have You Known The Longest?: caroline
Who's The Shyist?: jordene
When Have You Cried The Most?: last day year 11
What Is The Best Feeling In The World?: wen i fink of him
Worst Feeling?: wen i'm missin him
Where Do You Want To Live When You Grow Up?: USA
If You Could Change One Thing About You What Would It Be?: holdin bak
How Long Do You Think You'll Live?: as long as god wants me 2 live
Let's walk on the: beach
Let's look at the: stars
What a nice: day
Where did all the: chocolate go
Why can't we: be together
Silly, little: mutt
Isn't it weird that: i like him so much
Never under any circumstance: cry over a boy
I wish: i could fly
Everyone has a: naughty side
I am: me
Been In Love?: yup
Been To Juvie?: ??
Mooned Someone?: ??
Been Rejected?: kinda
Ran Away From Home?: no...where else am i gon get food
Pictured Your Crush Naked?: yeeeeeeeeeeeeees
Skipped School?: ye
Thought About Suicide?: ye
Slept Outside?: ye
Laughed So Hard You Cried?: ye
Cried In School?: ye
Thrown Up In School?: ye
Wanted To Be a Model?: i was a model:P
Cheated On Someone?: ye
Done Something Really Stupid That You Still Laugh At Today?: ye
Seen A Dead Body?: noooooooooop
Been Bitched Out?: ????
Drank Alcohol?: ye
Smoked?: ye
Been On Drugs?: no
Eaten Sushi?: wnt 2
Been On Stage?: yup wen i'm singin
Gone Skinny Dipping?: no
Shoplifted?: ye
Been Drunk?: ye
Been Called A Tease?: ye
Been Beaten Up?: by my parents
Swear?: ye
Sing Well?: sum say i do
Shower Daily?: ye
Want To Go To College?: i am in college
Want To Get Married?: yeeeeeeeeeee
Believe In Yourself?: yeeeeeeeeeee
Get Motion Sickness?: ????
Think You Are Attractive?: ye:P
Get Along With Your Parents?: kinda
Like Thunderstorms?: nooooooooooop
Play An Instrument?: i sing lol
Own An IPOD?: gt an mp3
Pray?: yup
Go To Church?: yup
Sleep With Stuffed Animals?: yup lol
Keep A Journal/Diary?: noooooop
Dance In The Rain?: yup
Sing In The Shower?: yeeeeeeeeeeees
Pepsi or Coke?: coke
McDonald's or Burger King?: burger king iz amazin lol
Single or Group Dates?: single
Chocolate or Vanilla?: chocolate
Strawberries or Blueberries?: strawberries n cream lol
Meat or Veggies?: meat
TV or Movie?: movie
Guitar or Drums?: drums...wen he plays em
Adidas or Nike?: nike...jus do it lol
Chinese or Mexican?: chinese
Cheerios or Corn Flakes?: ch ch ch ch cheerios
Cake or Pie?: cake
MTV or VH1?: mtv
Blind or Deaf?: deaf
Boxers or Briefs?: boxers:P
Do The Splits?: ye
Write With Both Hands?: kinda lol
Whistle?: yup
Blow A Bubble?: yup
Roll Your Tongue In A Circle?: yees lol
Cross Your Eyes?: yup hehe
Walk With Your Toes Curled?: noooooo
Touch Your Tongue to Your Nose?: noooo
Dance?: yeeeeeeeeees
Eat Whatever You Want And Not Worry?: naaah
You Touched:: ma lil sis
You Talked To On The Phone:: ma boo
You Instant Messaged:: daniel mc lol
You Hugged:: ma uncle
You Yelled At:: ma lil sis
You Played A Sport With:: is wrestlin in bed 1 lol
Time You Laughed?: a min a go
Time You Cried?: 3 days ago
Movie You Watched?: spider man 3!!!!
Flavor Of Gum You Chewed?: EXTRA da green 1
Joke You Told?: one bout burger lips lol
Song You've Sung?: lost without you by robin thicke
Where Are You?: in da livin room
What Can You See Out Your Window?: trees
Are You Listening To Music?: naah
What Are You Wearing?: clothes
What's On Your Mousepad?: an earin
Do you believe there is life on other planets?: dno lol
Do you believe in miracles?: ye
Magic?: kinda
Love at first sight?: ye
God?: yeeeeees
Satan?: yess
Ghosts?: no
Santa?: yees n da tooth fairy lol
Evolution?: no
Fav Eye Color:: brown
Fav Hair Color:: black
Short or Long Hair:: cornrowed or nyc clean cut
Height:: taller than me
Weight:: don metta but u gotta ave meat lol
Best Clothing Style:: trendy n casual
What Country Would You Most Like To Visit?: choong city zealand really
Number Of CD's I Own:: mo than 100
Your Good Luck Charm:: don believe in luck
How many pillows do you sleep with?: 2
Do you drink milk?: yup:) milk lol
Person You Hate Most:: da one bitch
Most Outdated Phrase:: darlin
Do you think God has a gender?: he is tooo holy 2 jus talk about
Where do you think we go when we die?: 2 a rest
How many rings until you answer the phone?: 3
What is something scientists need to invent?: hw 2 make a clone of some1 lol...hw 2 reverse time
Are you a health freak?: kinda
Are you a virgin?: yup:)
If you could travel into space, where would you go?: dno lol
What is the worst weather?: rain n wind at da same time
Did you play with Barbies as a child?: ye lol
How many grades have you failed?: nt many lol
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I'd like to meet:

old n new no paedohiles cz i aint gt tym 4 u...x loverose x You are sexy.

You instantly attract. You find it extremely easy to seduce someone as all it takes is a look in their direction.

'What is your seduction style?' at

Music: bashment...soca...rnb...bit of house...n e fin i cn sing o dance


you got served, norbit-big momma...blk films...x


mtv channels...american idol...x factor...big brother...movies


aint gt tym 2 read

Heroes: superman lol..n..jordene