Michele profile picture


NumBa 1 StUnNa

About Me

YeSs i AM ¾ italian... the colors are no coincidence ;) hehe... other ¼ is armenian.. yeaaa i am the coolest mix, dont hate =P ...I love RUNNING XC cuz it makes me feel like im on top of the world! That feeling that you can just let loose and let your mind run free, it makes me a better person..... love to dance... fashion.. eating... more dancing... tanning... sexifying =) ... gettin drunk wit my lovely SiS n actin even crazier than normal LoL... yea if u can believe that! we are wUnN craAazy couple ;)I am on my way to becoming a dentist, and on the outside I appear to be a very smart and studious girl, but if you know me well, you know that I am actually pretty wild and I get my greatest thrills out of doing spontaneous things. I have a few piercings and a tattoo (i love guys that are all tatted up!), I love meeting new people, hearing life stories, talking, analyzing situations, giving advice, taking risks and spreading myself thin. I sleep just a couple of hours a night so that I don't miss out on all the excitement that goes on while most people are sleeping each day, I have a natural high 90% of the time, I thrive on pushing myself to my limits to see what I am capable of, and I'll stop at nothing to grab every opportunity and take every risk that comes my way. I love being woken up in the middle of the night by phone calls from friends/family (people that i love so much) because just hearing their voice gives me a purpose for living that moment of my life. If I am talking to you, or even fighting with you, you are putting a smile on my face, whether you know it or not. I have a style of my own that you will never understand. I love myself - not because I am conceited, but because I make sure to always be the person I aspire to be, and to be all the things I respect and admire in life... everyone else just comes along for the ride. If you think u can handle that, its ur lucky day... just be ready for a little curve ball here and there =).. Myspace Layout Generator-Layoutgen.com

My Interests

A few of the things i love and appreciate: long silky hair, awesome hair products, tongue rings, a baaangin sound system, clubbin til the sun comes up, those little pills, guys with pierced nipples and tattoos, guys who know what a girl wants, people who are true to themselves, people who speak their mind and dont give a sh*t what other ppl think, jewelry & accessories, nice teeth, running, driving, indoor soccer, company, family, best friends, traveling all over the world, cell phones that can do everything imaginable, spending money, tanning salons, goin out to eat & yummy ethnic food... ARMENIA is my comfort zone xoxoxo -- string cheese w/ seeds, kufteh, lahmajoun, mommy's spanikopita, bulghur etc. etc. and of course all the REAL ITALIAN stuff (not like the stupid restaurants that all have the same garbage) -- panettone, daddy's sauce, shrimp francese, matty's eggplant rollatini, pastierd, stuffed escarole, ricotta cheese cake, and all the rest of tha weird stuff that puts a huge smile on my face.. yay! ** My Passion Is Your Sport's Punishment ** ** Runs End... Running Doesn't ** ** ReGioNaLs 2006 -- BLOOD, SWEAT, & TEARS **

I'd like to meet:



HiP hOp, ReGGaE, sPaNisH beatZ, ReGgAeT0n, SP, BoB MaRLeY, dmX, diDdY, FifTy, JaY-z, FaBoL0uS, ReD n MeTh, aLL DaT sHt wE uSeD t0 bLasT iN tHe CaR in HS ::wink:: (sTiLL LovE daT 666 anD ThEir cRazY sPaNisH TecHn0)... & juSs b0uT aNytHiN i CaN sHaKe iT to O:) .......... recent interests include Saves the Day, New Found Glory, Alkaline Trio, Angels & Airwaves, Cartel, and some other white music.. some pretty amazing lyrics that make me melt and give me a tickling rush


HoW HiGh, SaW I, bLoW, sPun, WeDDinG cRasHerS, MeMenTo, fReNcH KiSs, bReAkFasT cLuB, eVeRyThiNg iS iLLuMiNaTeD..... liSt goEs On...


NBA... g2 sEe mY hUbBy AI geT NicE n sWeaTy 0n tHa CouRt! DeSpeRaTe HouSeWivEs, those St0oPid cOuRt sHoWs iN tHa AfTeRnOoN, PiMp mY RyDe, n tha whoLe OnE sEaSoN of pLaYmaKeRs is HoT t0o


CoOk BoOkS, BaRtEnDiNg BoOkS, and ZaGaT's SuRvEy... lol


my SiS --Natalie aka "Natter"-- i love her more than ANYONE in the whole world x0xOxoX

My Blog

What kind of eyes do you have? (with pictures)

Take the quiz: What kind of eyes do you have? (with pictures)SunriseYou have sunrise eyes. Sunrise is the color of joy and elation. Your eyes symbolize your general sense of wellness. Your confiden...
Posted by Michele on Thu, 29 Jun 2006 09:41:00 PST