A few of the things i love and appreciate: long silky hair, awesome hair products, tongue rings, a baaangin sound system, clubbin til the sun comes up, those little pills, guys with pierced nipples and tattoos, guys who know what a girl wants, people who are true to themselves, people who speak their mind and dont give a sh*t what other ppl think, jewelry & accessories, nice teeth, running, driving, indoor soccer, company, family, best friends, traveling all over the world, cell phones that can do everything imaginable, spending money, tanning salons, goin out to eat & yummy ethnic food... ARMENIA is my comfort zone xoxoxo -- string cheese w/ seeds, kufteh, lahmajoun, mommy's spanikopita, bulghur etc. etc. and of course all the REAL ITALIAN stuff (not like the stupid restaurants that all have the same garbage) -- panettone, daddy's sauce, shrimp francese, matty's eggplant rollatini, pastierd, stuffed escarole, ricotta cheese cake, and all the rest of tha weird stuff that puts a huge smile on my face.. yay! ** My Passion Is Your Sport's Punishment ** ** Runs End... Running Doesn't ** ** ReGioNaLs 2006 -- BLOOD, SWEAT, & TEARS **
HiP hOp, ReGGaE, sPaNisH beatZ, ReGgAeT0n, SP, BoB MaRLeY, dmX, diDdY, FifTy, JaY-z, FaBoL0uS, ReD n MeTh, aLL DaT sHt wE uSeD t0 bLasT iN tHe CaR in HS ::wink:: (sTiLL LovE daT 666 anD ThEir cRazY sPaNisH TecHn0)... & juSs b0uT aNytHiN i CaN sHaKe iT to O:) .......... recent interests include Saves the Day, New Found Glory, Alkaline Trio, Angels & Airwaves, Cartel, and some other white music.. some pretty amazing lyrics that make me melt and give me a tickling rush
HoW HiGh, SaW I, bLoW, sPun, WeDDinG cRasHerS, MeMenTo, fReNcH KiSs, bReAkFasT cLuB, eVeRyThiNg iS iLLuMiNaTeD..... liSt goEs On...
NBA... g2 sEe mY hUbBy AI geT NicE n sWeaTy 0n tHa CouRt! DeSpeRaTe HouSeWivEs, those St0oPid cOuRt sHoWs iN tHa AfTeRnOoN, PiMp mY RyDe, n tha whoLe OnE sEaSoN of pLaYmaKeRs is HoT t0o
CoOk BoOkS, BaRtEnDiNg BoOkS, and ZaGaT's SuRvEy... lol
my SiS --Natalie aka "Natter"-- i love her more than ANYONE in the whole world x0xOxoX