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Relationships are a big part of life and I (Wil) tend to always write about them. Not necessarily romantic relationships, but just the bonds shared between people. Not always are these songs about MY personal relationships, but sometimes about others, and sometimes, just ones that I fabricate in, sort of, "what if" situations. I'm fascinated with people and the way we interact with one another and it drives me to write. These songs are not complicated, or technical. They're more lyrically driven than anything else. After all, why write lyrics if they aren't meant to be heard? Currently, I'm working with the writings of some close friends in order to make music with other people's words. It's something new that I'm hoping will turn out well. So far, so good.
Originally, FRC was just me with a guitar. Now there are five members of the band. We thought that the simplicity of the music would change considerably with the addition of more instruments, but as it turns out, it just feels better to keep things nice and uncomplicated. I think FRC is, in some small way, intended to bring back a heart-felt element of simplicity into a period of musical chaos. We sort of have a "Whatever. It's cool." type of attitude toward our music and I think that's what makes it the most fun for us. We're not trying to win any 'Battle of the Bands' contests or get famous. We're just playing the music we write. Also, the band is set up in a loose, carefree sort of way...FRC has been designed so that we can play shows even if the whole band can't be there. It can be just one person with a guitar like it began, or it can be the full band, or any combination of members. So, when you come to see us, you can never be sure which FRC you're going to get. The songs will be the same, but the performances may vary. We hope you enjoy the music.
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