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I am here for Friends

About Me

My name is Nick Cappuccilli. I'm from huntington beach, california. I go to golden west college where i play baseball and study spanish. i am planning on transferring after next year to any school where i can play ball. I'm all about my family. They are everything to me and my life. I'm easy to get along with as long as you don't piss me off. I love jewish people cuz they rule and make good friends. I love baseball with every passion in my body. Baseball will always be a part of my life. Party like a rock star, fuck like a porn star, play like an all star. Life is good

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My Interests

Baseball, soccer, racquetball, and working out

I'd like to meet:

Jim Morrison, The Rock, and Lance Armstrong.


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LIKE A STONE (Audioslave)

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Field of Dreams, The Doors, Tomcats, Dumb and Dumber, Ace Ventura, Tommy Boy, Half Baked, The Big Lebowski, Old School, American Pie (all of them) The Night of the Living Bed...i think you can guess what kinda movie that is.... Baseketball and so many more. too many to name.


SportsCenter, home improvement, and baseball tonight


No one here gets out alive (Biography of Jim Morrison) the art of Zen Buddhism Lance Armstrong's "it's not about the bike." I hope they serve beer in hell


My brother Tony