Alex profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

I am a student at St. Mary's University, in Halifax Nova Scotia. I am in my Second full year, where as I should be in my third. This is because I took a year off to volunteer across the country in a program called Katimavik. It was a great experience and I grew alot as a person. I am majoring in Biology for the time being, but as most people know, these things could change at a moment's notice.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Your mom.

My Blog

Bedroom Survey

IF YOU OPENED IT, YOU GOTTA DO IT!!BEDROOM SURVEYNO LYING!!Do you have the following in your room:[x] desk[x] condoms[x] lamps[x] cell phone[]guitar[x] chair/stool[x] book shelf[x] dresser[x] Computer...
Posted by on Thu, 14 Sep 2006 17:30:00 GMT

top four thingy?

-dont change your myspace top 4-fill the people in below-answer the questions truthfullyNumber 1: HeatherNumber 2: VanessaNumber 3: VikiNumber 4: MathieuHave you ever danced with number 3?YepHave you ...
Posted by on Wed, 13 Sep 2006 15:10:00 GMT

top four thingy?

-dont change your myspace top 4-fill the people in below-answer the questions truthfullyNumber 1: HeatherNumber 2: VanessaNumber 3: VikiNumber 4: MathieuHave you ever danced with number 3?YepHave you ...
Posted by on Wed, 13 Sep 2006 15:10:00 GMT

Feeling out of sorts...

There is a lot going on, inside and out, and I am not quite sure what to make of it all. It is weird when this happens, and I have made it through fine all the times before, so there is no doubt that ...
Posted by on Wed, 13 Sep 2006 15:00:00 GMT

MY LIFE IS 75% HAPPY (apparently)

[ ] You have a boyfriend/girlfriend[x] You have your own room.[x] You own a cell phone.[x] You have an ipod/ mp3 player. [x] Your parents are still married.[x] You have more than 2 best friends.[ ] Yo...
Posted by on Wed, 13 Sep 2006 11:05:00 GMT

Your mom...

I'm bored... and due to pressure from several people this week, I decided to update my thingy just for the hell of it. 9/11 is stupid. Stop being all emo about it.  
Posted by on Tue, 12 Sep 2006 13:17:00 GMT

Ask the Dust?

Hokay, so... I just watched a movie.... A movie called Ask the Dust. It had Donald Sutherland, Salma Heyeck (or whatever) and Colin Ferrel. Sooo... really wasn't half bad, and apparently based on the ...
Posted by on Sat, 09 Sep 2006 19:00:00 GMT

It Began...

So, classes began today. It was weird, just to see everyone; I realized who I missed and who I didn't. I was suprised in both circumstances. My classes are more or less the same this semester, with th...
Posted by on Wed, 04 Jan 2006 22:16:00 GMT

New Beginings?

So, the start of a new year... Wow... am I supposed to be excited?  Am I supposed to see this as the beggining of something new and exciting? No. I geuss not :P. Over all, things are going well; ...
Posted by on Mon, 02 Jan 2006 19:50:00 GMT

Today, I Laughed...

Well, the year has been full of ups and many, many downs... but it is almost done. Today marks the 29th to last day of Katimavik, and i couldnt be happier. This also marks the day that i will begin to...
Posted by on Tue, 03 May 2005 10:34:00 GMT