Rock climbing, camping, hiking, canoeing, mountain biking, volleyball, road trips, food, psychology, criminology, philosophy, real estate investment, planning for my trips to China and anything entertaining.
Tons of people...I enjoy meeting new people, I'm used to it after bouncing around the country for the last few years :)
Just about everything, I go through phases...but one type of music I never get tired of is Old School....Bobby Darin, Dean Martin, Old Blue Eyes Frankie, The Righteous Brothers, Elvis, Beach Boys, some Beatles, Big Bopper, Buddy Holly, Johnny Horton, Marty Robbins...tons of others. I also listen to some rap, lots of country, rock and techno.
The Godfather Parts I, II, and III, Matrix, Italian Job, Braveheart, Top Gun, Lethal Weapon series, Jurassic Park, Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Princess Bride, Chariots of Fire, Black Hawk Down, We Were Soldiers, Dirty Dancing, Lord of the Rings, Gladiator, Patton, Super Troopers, most James Bond movies, Count of Monte Cristo, Happy Gilmore, Rush Hour, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Last of the Mohicans, 13th Warrior, The Village, Signs, Oceans Eleven, Oceans Twelve and TONS of others.
CSI, JAG, Law & Order, House, FOX News, M*A*S*H, History Channel
1984, Animal Farm, Universe Next Door, DSM-IV, Technopoly, Understanding the Times, Universe Next Door, Total Truth, The Chronicles of Narnia, The Iliad, The Odyssey, The Aeneid, War and Peace, The Great Books Collection and so many more! Not to mention the Bible...duh!
General George S. Patton, Mel Gibson, Thomas Edison, C.S. Lewis, Dr. James D. Strauss, Dr. Keith Ray, COL Edmonson.