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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

Fun, intelligent, confident but not cocky and easy to get along with....Home | Browse | Search | Invite | Film | Mail | Blog | Favorites | Forum | Groups | Events | Videos | Music | Comedy | Classifieds

My Interests

Shooting up heroin with people infected with HIV, hitting the crackpipe with my buddies and starting fires...


House, Alternative, hip/hop, old school R&B, pretty much anything EXCEPT country...


Bravehart, Better Off Dead, Goodfellas, Billy Madison, Old School, Shawshank, Scarface, 12 Monkey's, Happiness, Midnight Express, Cadyshack, Zoolander, Wedding Crashers, Borat, Knocked Up, American Gangster...


Curb Your Enthusiasm, Nip/Tuck, Entourage, Sopranos, Seinfeld, Da Ali G Show, PTI, Lost, 24, Boiling Points, Family Guy, The Apprentice, Porn (with good looking people)...


Angels and Demons, DaVinci Code, Deception Point, Along Came a Spider...


My liver and my brain - they've had it rough and are still with me...