cD profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm... "Turn every obstacle into stepping stone to success"

My Interests

ListeNing Music expecially with BeaT,dRum,BaSs n SoUL,Watching FoOtbALL(DiE hArD Fans of ArsEnaL N GeRmAnY),SnOoKer,PooL,FaSsSsTEeEsT CaR n PaRty,CHiLL oUT ,$$$,IsLand,Beach,Scuba Diving

I'd like to meet:

person who have heart n soul.....




ScHinDLER'S LisT, Heat ,Fast 2 Furious,Pulp Fiction,American History X,GrOoVe,Stephen Chow Movie,EuRO tRiP,Fighting in the WinD,sEPet,Indonesia film with Art&Beauty,hitch,BANLIEUE 13,Green Street Hooligan,French Movie-wiLL b continue


ESPN,cHANNEL v,hBo,CNN,pUnK'd, FeaR FactoR,PimP My Ride,Lonely Planet 6 Degree


cAR,Lifestyle,Music,IsLanD n Business,tHE millionaire in Me,the MoneY BooK,cOUntdown to SuCCesS,aWaKen ThE giaNt WiTHin,