What is Club Awesome!?
Club Awesome is a podcast from alt.NPR. It is made by one girl, Taylor Chapulin Orci, but we talk in the "we" voice because "we" want to sound like "we" have a bigger staff than "we" really "do."
What is a podcast?
Podcasts are like audio zines that help you waste time when you should be making money at a job or studying at school so you can graduate from school and get a job.
How often does Club Awesome! come out with new shows?
Whenever we can. We have a day job at National Public Radio. If Club Awesome! were an action hero, we would be Ertha Kitt's version of Catwoman. But if we could we would do nothing but make Club Awesome! shows every day.
So...how often does Club Awesome! come out with new shows?
Most of the time it's every other week. If you check back and Club Awesome hasn't come out with a show for a while, it means Club Awesome! is very busy trying to pay rent or going through some equally horrific crisis.
How can I listen to more shows Club Awesome! does?
you can either click here to listen or go to iTunes and search us.
Club Awesome! salutes Pabst Blue Ribbon, sponsor of NPR music podcasts!
Thanks PBR! (and NPR!)