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Roxygirl Makeup

I am here for Networking

About Me


Chicago born and raised, I attended The School of the Art Institute of Chicago, did a one season stint as an NFL Cheerleader for the Chicago Bears, studied in a two year theater program and worked as an executive recruiter for a short time.
All that and I was only twenty artistic aspirations and a curiosity for travel gave way to being hired as a Flight Attendant. It gave me money and a lot of days off to pursue both. I headed for New York City with just two boxes and never looked back.
I continued my acting studies and auditions. Landed some jobs that were nothing to speak of. Learned to speak Italian. I was going nowhere as an actress.

Having no experience behind the scenes, I knocked on the door of the producers who were looking for a crew. I was hired on the spot. After working in the art department, I quickly learned that drills, hammers and climbing ladders were not my idea of fun. Besides, I got dirty. I was miserable. It was rough.During filming, a light bulb went off. I saw that everyone liked the makeup artist, she was happy all the time and made everyone look good. Who doesn't like that? And besides, I've always wanted to do that but never knew how to begin.I enrolled at The School of Visual Arts to learn the basics of makeup for film/TV and Special Effects with the late Kelly Gleason. Before the semester was finished, I was on my way to becoming a makeup artist, thanks to Kelly.My first job was for an Italian ballet company. Everything backstage had to move like lightning for the next change....and everyone was speaking Italian!At that point, everything that I learned as a Fight Attendant (keeping a calm atmosphere in the midst of chaos), artist, actress and Italian speaker, came together and a makeup artist was born! At that point no job would be impossible and honestly, I have never stopped working. I love it.Currently, I work on everything...TV shows, commercials, print, corporate video..lots of CEOs.... even an ex-President thrown in for good measure!And I am still flying a bit. .......... I can get to Rome or Paris a couple of times a month.....and keep an eye out for the next thing...whether it is makeup, fashion, hair, shoes, jewelry...or just some fun pix or videos to inspire.
A Dog Named FiFi Shot These Photos.

Time on my hands while visiting family in the country, a pet collar attached to FiFi (the dog) and an editing site...and I have a video...just for fun.

Happy New Year 2009
Grandma's Italian Recipe

My Blog

Grandma's Italian Recipe

I've been asked for my Grandma's recipe for meat sauce and especially meatballs. It's nothing to do with makeup or fashion...but making a nice meal for friends or family i...
Posted by on Mon, 16 Mar 2009 09:29:00 GMT

Lipstick is the Best Bailout Plan

The economy is not looking so bright and many people have either taken a pay cut, have lost jobs or are the verge of losing one. Even worse yet, some have no prospects ahead for the i...
Posted by on Tue, 24 Feb 2009 17:51:00 GMT

Valentine's Day Sucks. Anyway you look at it.

O.K. This is going to be a tough one. Valentine's Day, that is. All the stars are lined up, or misaligned depending on how you view it. Double witching hour: Valentine's Day is going to fall on a Satu...
Posted by on Sun, 08 Feb 2009 20:57:00 GMT

Hickory Grove SC..a beautiful place.. Hickory Grove is a laid back place that I love to visit and it's a great escape from NYC. Another video that I made on animoto! Enjoy.
Posted by on Fri, 02 Jan 2009 21:22:00 GMT

Fashion for cute guys

Style doesn't belong just to us girls......My friend's son is 17 and attending a high school devoted to film (!!) why wasn't something like around when I was 17??? Anyway, check out these cu...
Posted by on Tue, 23 Dec 2008 07:22:00 GMT

Watch Every Wednesday night! Spectacle: Elvis Costello with... did the makeup for the vignette series..."Discovered" Featuring a new, upcoming, talent artist every week!! On every Wed. night 9:00pm EST Sundance Channel.Chec...
Posted by on Wed, 03 Dec 2008 15:58:00 GMT

Lighted Lipstick

Just recently I worked on a shoot and my client pulled this lighted lipstick out of her purse. How it works: when you pull out the lipstick tube or gloss wand, a light comes out of the cap and shines ...
Posted by on Mon, 24 Nov 2008 16:16:00 GMT

Favorite Skincare Products

I am always asked what products I use for my personal life. When I am on a shoot, I use various products depending on the medium and of course, the talent. It's a bit like cooking and the recipe varie...
Posted by on Mon, 24 Nov 2008 15:51:00 GMT

Perception of Self

I've been busy working on various shoots these past two weeks and of course, what is always on mind is beauty. Real beauty. Perceived beauty. Temporary beauty. Fake beauty. Male beauty. It just goes o...
Posted by on Mon, 24 Nov 2008 15:22:00 GMT

Wicked Witch of Spending and Taking As we continue on in our lives, family, work, relationships, etc....the stock market is going nutty. Houses are in foreclosure. Europeans are able t...
Posted by on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 14:23:00 GMT