philip is... a recluse.. agroaphobic.. musician.. songwriter.. occasionally running a label and after managing all of these things simultaniously, regularly intoxicated..
he likes to play a certain brand of meloncolic mellow musical form in a psychedelic vein with the inclusion of such fine musical inventions as acoustic & pedal steel guitar & old drawbar organs. sometimes this seems to lead to a generalisation of being defined as country. this seems to fine by philip. he also plays with multiple effects, particularly reverb and delay and has a fine appreciation for classic guitars and amplifiers.
he has just completed the recording of his debut EP "The Devil's Strings" which will be released later in 2009.. the collection of songs is set to express his eclectic musical expressions and force them all together in a sour mash of sonic melloncholly that will burn your throat on the way down but warm your belly straight after..
xx. asphalt