a.g.n.e.s profile picture


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About Me

well..about me? there's a lot! let's get started! haha..ok.. I...*can be a lil bit weird sometimes..i must confess..but..don't worry..i m still normal (so far!) haha..*LOVE to laugh..u know..it can prevent u from having cancer..and by the way it's refreshing, rejuvenating n fun!! =D*am a PERFEKTIONIST! i feel awful when i don't give my best @ somethin! HATE it!!!*LOVE to sing!!!*LOVE strawberries & (pin)apples! yummmm...=P*HATE mathematics! who need it anyway? It makes the world look more complicated than it is already..urgh! =(*LOVE Fashion n beauty!!! can't get enough of it!! especially shoes, bags n dresses! OMG..lol..=D*realize that life my be hard n unfair sometimes..(or better often!)..but hey..just let God do everything 4 u..he has the best plan 4 u..believe me..eventhough u don't want to go that way..*LOVE french manicure..it makes me feel more sophisticated! haha..=D*thank J.LO 2 be a such inspiration 4 many people..(esp me!)..from her i learned that u should not give up easily, have faith in urself n just follow ur own heart! =D*LOVE 2 watch horror movies (esp w my friends!) but afterwards..i am even not brave enough 2 brush my teeth alone @ night! haha..=P*ok..think that's enough, huh? if u wanna know abt me..just drop me comments..n i'll let u know more ant my world! a fair exchange..isn't it? lol..=D

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EVERYBODY!!!! no discrimination here!! =DEverybody...add me @[email protected] (MSN messenger & email)[email protected] (Myspace)thanks..^.^..

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