My nAme Is EvanGelinA buT I have likE hEckA nicknAmes.. I'm miXed with Hecka stuff,,L0nG Curly hAir,Pretty SmiLe,,StraighT teeTh,umm niCe B0dy fareaL farEal.I d0n't WeAr MakE up CausE I g0t that Sm00the,PrEtty skin.l0l.I juSt like t0 kEep it NaturaL,,I d0n't nEEd it..
*BiG familY//all bl00d* I am the m0St swEEtest pErs0n eveR..If y0u kn0w me,,y0u kn0w that Duhh..There iS Just S0mething ab0ut mE that mAkes EveRy0nE HappY l0l..nAh fareal th0!!!! I d0 anD I bEt I c0uld makE y0u SmilE 0r Laugh to0..I l0ve seeinG peoplE HappY!! I l0ve children,,animALs,,I l0ve muSic,,and I l0ve t0 KrumP Dance!!!!!Ask ab0ut mE!!!haha I l0ve t0 drAw and ummm,,I can't thinK right n0w..l0l
0h&y0u als0 kn0w that my lAstnAme is the SexiEst Everr:)
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