As a member of RBE and Bourbonese Qualk, Andy Wilson has been making electronic music for over 25 years. In his incarnation as sunseastar he creates music from computer processed location recordings.
The Grand Erector
Limited edition of 100 copies of this LP, pressed on virgin vinyl. It comes complete with a 10" 8pp booklet of notes and photographs. The Grand Erector was created by sunseastar's Andy Wilson.
The source recordings for this project were contributed by invited members of the Faust mailing list and a few other friends. These contributions were then dismantled, processed and remixed, before being reassembled to make the album. In most cases the tracks were created by combining material from several sources, though some lean heavily on a single contributor.
The Grand Erector would like to thank all who took part in the project, including Alan Holmes, Zoë Skoulding, Maeyc Hewitt, Alex O’Shea, Ann Matthews, Steve Pittis, Ben Tinker, J.S. Adams, Dane Johnson, Gustavo Jobim, Jean-Hervé Peron, Jim Bowers, Ian Morrison, Jim Donnelly, Ken Hyder, Mike Rowlands, Olivier Manchion, Phil Wilson, Richard Fontenoy, Ronny Waernes, Joachim Gaertner, Steve Fligelstone, Luis Forner, Paco Gomez and Zoltan Pfefer.
Thanks to Ian Land for the photography, and to Joachim Gaertner for his patience and production skills.Andy Wilson / sunseastar September 2008.
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KSpace Infinity
K-SPACE is:- Gendos Chamzyryn, Tuva, Siberia: vocals, percussion, amplified doshpulur, piano, cello Tim Hodgkinson, England: lap steel guitar, klarnet, electronics, alto saxophone Ken Hyder, Scotland: drums, vocals, amplified ektara, sampling, electronics.
Infinity is a PC-Mac CD that recomposes the music of K-Space differently every time it is played. Infinity was programmed and designed by Andy Wilson/sunseastar.August 2008.
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In The Wire
Drowned in Sound
Fjaerland Released
The first Sunseastar CD, Fjaerland, has been released and is available from Dirter Promotions
From the sleeve notes: These recordings are the first result of several years of work. Crab and I had worked together in his group Bourbonese Qualk before starting sunseastar as a separate project with its own agenda. The idea was inspired by listening to Xenakis and thinking about a physicists’ joke about how uncanny it is that nature can solve differential equations instantaneously. The stochastic processes Xenakis uses to construct his music are all around us anyway. From this thought came the idea of taking a short cut around the hard work Xenakis had to do, and making musique concrete based directly on the sound of chaotic processes – the sound of chains rattling, of rain falling, of a field of sheep sounding their bells together, of the sea crashing on the shore, of insects moving through grass.
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Schiphorst saw the first performance of sunseastar, where they played a set based on recordings made on location over the last year at Portland Bill, Orford Ness and Sizewell B Nuclear Reactor, Fjearland and Ulvik (Norway).