So my new realization is that you MUST appreciate your friends. They mean more to you than you could ever possibly imagine. Don't ever let one go without knowing you love them because you may not get a chance to say goodbye. My heart goes out to the friends and family affected by the tragedy at Virginia Tech. Maxine was one of my closest friends and I appreciate everyone's thoughts and sentiments. All the money in the world can't bring her back, but if you feel compelled to give, here is a word from her mother:Maxine Turner Donations may be made to a scholarship fund in her name to made payable to Alpha Omega Epsilon National Foundation, Inc. (Memo Line: Maxine Turner Fund), and sent to:
AOE National Foundation
PO Box 3150
Brunswick, GA 31521Or any animal shelter - she was very into volunteering at the animal sheltersI think either would please her - she was very into encouraging other girls to enter engineering, and the sorority has started the scholarship in her name. It is not just open to AOE sisters, any girl in engineering can apply.