How my world see's me.
I have been discribe in many many diffrent ways by diffrent people, I'll try to list them here. Its always intresting what people say. I have a feeling that what you see in others is also ...Posted by Going...gone? on Mon, 06 Nov 2006 12:53:00 PST
'Swallow' this 'Load'
'Swallow' this 'Load' of info! hahaha Matt said: Just FYI the typical load of cum only has about 15 calories. And all the rumors about the health...Posted by Going...gone? on Sat, 14 Jan 2006 04:35:00 PST
apparently this is me?
***Your Seduction Style: Fantasy Lover*** You know that ideal love that each of us dreams of from childhood? That's you! Not because you posess all of the ideal characteristics, but because you are ...Posted by Going...gone? on Wed, 19 Oct 2005 03:39:00 PST
Hey Look a Non-Sad Post!
ok, If your on My Friends list and you feel like ignor you its because I am! Muahahaha JOKE. Ok, if you waaaaaaaant to talk with me or anything like that Hit me up! I'll talk your ear off....Posted by Going...gone? on Fri, 14 Oct 2005 11:58:00 PST
never knew
I never Knew how stupid and foolish women could be. I'm fucking sick of the fallowing Women suposibly being the sensative onces but can never figure out how I feel. I HATE it when girl...Posted by Going...gone? on Fri, 30 Sep 2005 06:50:00 PST
I think I'm curious....
[_] go out with me?[_] give me your number? (_ _ _) _ _ _- _ _ _ _ (if you post it, I'll call/text it)[_] kiss me?[_] let me kiss you?[_] watch a movie with me?[_] let me take you out to dinner?[_] le...Posted by Going...gone? on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST
Driving project...M3
car: 1997 hellrot M3 auto - condition of the car is neglected. spoted Rush scratches. Warm up sound is disturbing. however the 'heavy' peddle feel is extreamly worrysome. - Removed the battery...Posted by Going...gone? on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST
worst thing you can hear...
just got a phone call and didnt catch any of it other then "your daughter....emergeny room."Posted by Going...gone? on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST
oh daughter of mine
oh how I wish this new years I could have you in my arms, at least to know you. But a'las your mother no longer wishes anything to do with me and I"m forever stuck wanting to give you everything I ca...Posted by Going...gone? on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST
Sluts, Bitchs, Whores And the women I love
Some times people forget, forget what it was like for them to be younger. But then their are those who want to be more 'mature,' compaired to those who have never been 'imature.' I have never known ...Posted by Going...gone? on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST