Jysd Cracyrs profile picture

Jysd Cracyrs

About Me

A new record label set up to release the material of upcoming reggae, ska and funk bands in Wales. First release, Di Pravinho's debut ep, 'Bing Bong Be?' (JC001).

Label recordiau newydd er mwyn rhyddhau cynnyrch bandiau newydd reggae, ska a funk yng Nghymru. Cynnyrch cynta' yw ep cynta' Di Pravinho, 'Bing Bong Be? (JC001).

Di Pravinho - Bing Bong Be? (JC001)

My Interests


Member Since: 25/05/2007
Band Members: contact Marc or Sion: [email protected]
Sounds Like: JC001 - Di Pravinho, 'Bing Bong Be?'
Record Label: Jysd Cracyrs
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

datganiad i'r wasg / press release

Datganiad i'r wasg gan Jysd Cracyrs Mae'r llifddorau ar fin agor. Mae cwestiwn ar fin gwlychu gweflau'r genedl. A'r cwestiwn hwnnw yw... Bing Bong Be? O ddyfnderoedd bro Eifionydd, daw y Pravs i ofy...
Posted by on Thu, 21 Jun 2007 20:49:00 GMT