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About Me

Life is funny isn’t it!We work our whole lives to achieve things that will only add to our stresses and our collection of bills. Things like the dreams cars that will keep us in debt for the next ten years, the dream houses that will keep us in debt for the next 30 to 50 years, the dream clothes and accessories that will always keep our designer pockets empty and so many other things that surpass contentment and border on greed.Life is funny isn’t it, we try to be ourselves and everyone wants us to be who they labeled us to be. These days it seems like being modest, quiet, and unassuming aren't good modern day qualities anymore, It’s seems like it’s not ok to love somebody unconditionally anymore, it’s not ok to have a focus and a goal in mind, it seems like it’s not ok to be God fearing, and it’s not ok to dedicate our lives and educations to the One that supplies us with all of our needs and wants of life.Life is funny isn’t it, being able to verbalize our strengths seems more important than actually having the strengths to begin with. I guess it make sense because we all live our lives in the fast lane. We wouldn't even notice the truth from the fake even if we wanted to, we take peoples word for it and end up with fake people as friends and wonder why we can't get any good advice and support.But as for me, I find peace in knowing that I don't surprise myself in the mirror in the mornings, and I don't dress to cover up my weaknesses and insecurities. Contentment gives me peace in every scenario that life brings my way. It’s an understanding that I ask God to renew each day of my life. I've seen the result of what happens to people who model themselves after the ideas of what the confused people deem as right and wrong. They end up dead to themselves and are held hostage by what people feel and say. Their happiness and actions are dictated by what this world has to say.As for me, I’m not investing another dime into the worlds plot to use our insecurities as marketing strategies. What I’ve come to learn in life is that it's A lot easier to explain myself when I’m living my life and not someone else’s, it's a lot easier to find good friends when I am content in who I am, and………… It’s a lot Cheaper being me.Contentment is my governor; it helps me gauge my priorities, and shows me true happiness. We wonder why we can look at someone who is worst off than us and we wonder why they have so much joy? It’s because they have understood what contentment is.Dwight "Tippy" Stewart 6/5/07 Inspired by my father He understands Contentment

My Blog

It's Cheaper Being Me

Life is funny isn't it! ..:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />   We work our whole lives to achieve things that will only add to our stresses and our collection...
Posted by on Mon, 04 Jun 2007 13:28:00 GMT