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I am here for Friends

About Me

It's always hard to write about yourself, I've found - and I have to fetter my ego a touch when I do. I've been undergoing a lot of changes in my life, both good and bad, mainly stemming from the departure of my fiancee of several years. I've been a software engineer for 10 years now: sitting at the computer all day at work, then coming home and sitting at the computer there with video games and email all day long. So, the keyboard is a form of comfort zone for me, and a good way for me to express myself. I think you'll find that I tend to blog frequently, or at least aggregate bits & pieces based off of the other blogs that I read while exploring the various dark corners of the web.
I'm one of those people who has always kind of thought MySpace was a bit silly, so this is but one of the changes that I'm going through - trying to accept some other thoughts(and maybe being a bit silly isn't so bad).
What else about me? I'm a Nebraska boy, uprooted to Ohio for college, which seemed to stick. I've been known to be very serious about my life, but I'm also quick with repartee and a smartass comment. My sense of humor is my own, dry at times, cutting at others, and I think sometimes I have inside jokes with just myself, if that makes sense.
I love to play volleyball - in the sand, where I can roll around and get dirty - but I'll play indoors to keep in shape. I've taken 6 or 7 years of ballroom dancing, because it's something I always wanted to do. I don't know that there was ever a real reason for it, but it was a lot of fun, and I've missed it for the last year or so, and am very glad to be back into it. I smoke, quite heavily, which is really a part of who I am. I love smoking and being a smoker, but I also hate myself for the dependence that I have on it and the effects that it has on me.
I think, throughout my life, that I've always wanted to be a contradiction of stereotypes. I was a state track runner, but I lit up in the parking lot afterwards. I'm a long-haired hippy-looking conservative. I was a straight-A student with a mohawk.
Now for some of the fun stuff:
Your results:
You are Dr. Doom Dr. Doom 64% Lex Luthor 60% Riddler 59% Apocalypse 57% Mr. Freeze 57% Venom 54% Green Goblin 48% The Joker 47% Dark Phoenix 47% Kingpin 47% Juggernaut 44% Magneto 43% Catwoman 42% Mystique 36% Poison Ivy 32% Two-Face 20% Blessed with smarts and power but burdened by vanity.
Burdened by vanity? Pshaw. I don't think I'd call it a burden. Click here to take the "Which Super Villain am I?" quiz...
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very own MySpace Layouts at MySpaceSupport.com!
Your Birthdate: March 24
You understand people well and are a natural born therapist.
A peacemaker, people always seem to get along when you are around.
You tend to be a father or mother figure to friends, even to those older than you.
You enjoy your role, and you find that you are close to many people.
Your strength: Your devotion
Your weakness: Reliance on others for happiness
Doesn't that just hit the spot??
Your power color: Lilac
Your power symbol: Heart
Your power month: June What Does Your Birth Date Mean?
You Have a Melancholic Temperament
Introspective and reflective, you think about everything and anything.
You are a soft-hearted daydreamer. You long for your ideal life.
You love silence and solitude. Everyday life is usually too chaotic for you.
Given enough time alone, it's easy for you to find inner peace.
You tend to be spiritual, having found your own meaning of life.
Wise and patient, you can help people through difficult times.
At your worst, you brood and sulk. Your negative thoughts can trap you.
You are reserved and withdrawn. This makes it hard to connect to others.
You tend to over think small things, making decisions difficult. What Temperment Are You?
You Are the Ego
You take a balanced approach to your life.
You definitely aren't afraid to act out on your desires - even crazy ones.
But you usually think first. Morals drive you as much as hedonism does.
You've been able to live a life of pleasure... without living a life of excess. Are You Id, Ego, or Superego?
You Are a Pegasus
You are a perfectionist, with an eye for beauty.
You know how to live a good life - and you rarely deviate from your good taste.
While you aren't outgoing, you have excellent social skills.
People both admire you - and feel very comfortable around you. What Mythological Creature Are You?
Your Aura is Green
You're very driven, competitive, and even a bit jealous.
However, you seek out balance in your life - and you usually achieve it!
The purpose of your life: inspiring others to be better
Famous greens include: Tony Robbins, Donald Trump, Martha Stewart
Careers for you to try: Guru, CEO, Talk Show Host What Color Is Your Aura?
Created by OnePlusYou
Which Discworld Character are you like (with pics)
created with QuizFarm.com
You scored as Carrot Ironfounderson

You are Captain Carrot Ironfounderson of the City Watch in the greatest city on the Disc – Ankh-Morprok! A truly good natured, honest guy, who knows everyone, and is liked by all. Technically a dwarf, but only by adoption. You’d rather not be reminded that you are the true heir to the throne, but that does explain why people naturally follow your orders…

Carrot Ironfounderson


Gytha (Nanny) Ogg


Lord Havelock Vetinari




The Librarian


Commander Samuel Vimes






Cohen The Barbarian


Esmerelda (Granny) Weatherwax


My Interests

The Tagline Archive:
The whole 'Ultra-worldly power that renders human existence both tenuous and trite' thing was all well and good, but sometimes Cthulhu just wanted to cuddle.

All is well with the universe because I am in it.
Can we compromise, set the clock back a half hour, and never touch a goddamn clock again?
I'm a simple man. All I want is enough sleep for two normal men, enough whiskey for three, and enough women for four.
You’re to humor what Helen Keller would be to competitive paintball.
Dogs, computers, volleyball, dancing, role-playing games, philosophy. I despise politics (probably because of my complete ignorance in the field), but have some interest in the human condition. I'm a mad fiend with a deck of cards: I learned hearts and spades when I was in high school, and have since picked up euchre (I do live in Ohio, after all), cribbage, and most recently, canasta. I'll play poker with my buddies, but I don't take it too seriously. I'm back at the dance studio, working on a very theatrical piece - not the "two feet on the floor" style you'd see on TV nowadays.

I'd like to meet:

A catalyst to great things.

Hank Azaria

Modern Day Philosophers

I like to meet a lot of people, I think. I've gone through phases of my life where I went from introvert to extrovert several times, but at heart, I think I lean more toward introversion. I was, as many are, unpopular in junior high school. I went away to boarding school, with a chance to start over, and while I had a few close friends, I was never extremely popular with any one crowd. In college, I blossomed socially and met anyone and everyone - it's a good feeling walking through the campus and having friends everywhere around you.

But, at some point, and I don't know when, I determined that I had met enough people. Maybe the stress of keeping up many different relationships wore on me, or trying to reconcile differences between groups of my friends caused me frustration, but I stopped being overly social, probably right at the end of my college career.

Now, I'm at a point where I want to meet new people, but I don't go out of my way to do so. I'm back to being a bit more quiet or shy, although watching the interactions of people can really hold my interest for long periods.

The Color Me Mine Rap: (west coast response to Lazy Sunday)

The Midwest Reponse to the West Coast Response to Lazy Sunday - Lazy Muncie:

Slaughter the World (from lfgcomic.com):

Everyone should strive to emulate Tripod and pay them homage:


And Flight of the Conchords is worth checking out on Youtube as well (this is one of many). Somewhere between a two-person version of Tripod and a two-person version of Tenacious D:


Eclectic. Judas Priest & Tom Petty. Social D & RHCP. Black Sabbath & the Femmes.

I was heavily influenced by punk bands in my early teens, and some industrial rock as well. Skid Roper & Mojo Nixon, Dead Kennedys, Violent Femmes were all present in my youth. Anthrax, Megadeth, Suicidal Tendencies, and Judas Priest came in later, along with the Chili Peppers and others. I went to many, many concerts between 15 and 20.

Now, music doesn't play as big a role in my life. I enjoy listening to it, but music for me is more background noise, now. I keep my car stereo on at low volume, so that I can hear what's playing, but it doesn't interject itself over my thoughts. I only own a few CDs (4, maybe 5?), and most of my collection is still on cassette.

So, I've been buying a lot of music of late, trying out some new things. I went to see Social D in mid-July with a friend (second time that I've seen them, with a 15-year gap or so between). A good show, bit it's been a long time, and my concert activities are much more subdued in my age!
I'm currently searching for a good showtune with a fast enough pace for a theatrical swing or cha-cha, but with that certain cynical style that fits my personality.


Fantastical epics (LOTR, Braveheart). Certain based-on-a-true-story heartwarmers (Something the Lord Made, Patch Adams). Comedy that doesn't have to try too hard. Generally anything based on a comic book. Anything with Hank Azaria.


Heroes, Lost. Carnivale when it was on. Same for Misfits of Science or Parker Lewis Can't Lose. I should probably add Scrubs to this list, since I've devoured each season on DVD voraciously.
I used to say as little as possible with TV. I went several years without one, and I'm not comfortable spending too much time in front of one. I will ocsasionally sit down for extended periods for something like a Band of Brothers marathon, but in general, I don't schedule my life around the TV.
Ok, so the new schedule's out, and here's what I'm investigating for the year: Obviously, I'm watching Heroes Season 2. Right after that is Journeyman, which is somewhat reminiscent of Quantum Leap, and seems ~ok~ so far. Wednesday, due to all the hype, I checked out the Bionic Woman and wasn't overly impressed, but right after that is a show called Life with the actor who played Lt. Winters in Band of Brothers. That one seems OK - a bit quirky, but a decent premise, so I might stick with that one a bit, depending on how much time I feel like devoting to it.


Fantasy, fantasy, and anything by Steinbeck except Grapes of Wrath. Why they force the man's worst novel in our educational system is beyond me. Stephen Brust (my sense of humor is probably most like Vladimir Taltos'), Terry Pratchett, Christopher Moore, Neil Gaiman, Dennis McKiernan, George RR Martin, David Gemmel. Not so much Jordan - loved him at first, but stopped bothering after five or six books. Same with Terry Goodkind. I usually consider myself quite literary, but have no idea where the comma belongs in parenthetical references, such as the above mention of Vladimir Taltos' sense of humor.
Books have always been a great source of entertainment to me. I was an early reader (pre-kindergarten), and I've always read. My home is full of bookcases, and I'm constantly shuffling furniture around to find room for the next one. I'm not a large purveyor of libraries, because I really enjoy owning the books, so that I can go back and reread like visiting an old friend.
Ok, just finished Patrick Rothfuss' The Name of the Wind. Fantastic book (and he's on Myspace, so you can see him over in my friends list). He'll be added to "my favorites" just as soon as he proves that he can duplicate the power of the first book.
And, in late November, I'm adding Andrew Vachss and David Baldacci to the list. Vachss deals with an ex-convict private investigator, which is an interesting take. He's got quite a number of books out already (maybe 30?), so I'm starting from the top of that. The 'not as moral' PI is a nice take, although similar to your Laurell K. Hamilton or Jim Butcher series. Baldacci doesn't necessarily write in series - the books aren't linked to one another, but good thriller / crime-style books. His plotlines are very smart, although most of his characters are almost too incredibly intelligent.


I don't actually think I have any heroes. Kind of sad, eh? I suppose, in a general sense, anyone who follows their own path would be a hero to me. Any person can be a hero to another. Sometimes, just getting through the day is an act of heroism.

I don't buy into the celebrity passions. I think celebrities, for the most part, are overpaid and given too much attention. Who cares what Paris Hilton or Dan Marino are doing with their personal lives? It annoys me to no end that we as people devote so much of our time living vicariously through the people we see on the idiot box.

My Blog

The Mad Schedule

My schedule right now: Monday: Dancing, Broomball. Tuesday: Volleyball, Dancing Wednesday: Volleyball Thursday: Volleyball Friday: Dancing, More Dancing, Drinking & Dancing Saturday: Dancing, Slee...
Posted by D.O.M. on Fri, 25 Apr 2008 08:33:00 PST

CTS Tournament

Anyone who reads Penny Arcade regularly is familiar with the CTS - the Cardboard Tube Samurai - which secretly lurks in the souls of all men.  In Australia, however, a couple of young whippe...
Posted by D.O.M. on Wed, 23 Apr 2008 03:48:00 PST

Engineering Guide to Cats

As someone who peruses the Internet regularly, I can be one of the first people to tell you that there are far, far too many "cute" videos of cats doing things out there.  Sometimes it's cats &am...
Posted by D.O.M. on Wed, 23 Apr 2008 03:43:00 PST

Important Personal Information

How many cannibals can you feed?  [via Scalzi's Whateverettes] Created by OnePlusYou...
Posted by D.O.M. on Wed, 16 Apr 2008 07:32:00 PST

Support Your Little League

This one was pretty cool.  Improv Everywhere does a lot of little publicity stunts and such, but mainly they don't have a real point to them - No Pants day on the subway, two hundred people ...
Posted by D.O.M. on Sun, 13 Apr 2008 12:25:00 PST

New Dating Site

Having a hard time finding that right special someone?  Need to meet someone quickly and privately for a good time?  Well, now there's a new site to help you meet that special moose, quickly...
Posted by D.O.M. on Sun, 13 Apr 2008 12:01:00 PST


"The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them." And so it has come...
Posted by D.O.M. on Sun, 13 Apr 2008 11:52:00 PST

The problem with gourmet coffee

When it comes to coffee, I'm not very particular about my tastes - I like it strong and bitter, but I don't care much for vanilla-mocha-latte-things - just give me a cup of coffee, black.  That b...
Posted by D.O.M. on Sun, 13 Apr 2008 11:45:00 PST

Bangers and Mash

Being relatively American, I really had no idea what "Bangers & Mash" is.  That being said, now that it's available in this particular format, I have no problems stating t...
Posted by D.O.M. on Sun, 13 Apr 2008 11:37:00 PST


Tim Buckley over at CTRL+ALT+DEL is trying something a little bit new with his webcomic - he’s running a separate storyline for a few weeks where the readers choose options, similar to the old c...
Posted by D.O.M. on Fri, 04 Apr 2008 01:55:00 PST