About Me
doom (doom)[du?m]
Origin: bef. 900; ME dome, dom, OE dom judgment, law; c. ON domr, Goth doms; cf. Skt dhman, Gk thémis law; see do1............................1. fate or destiny, esp. adverse fate; unavoidable ill fortune.
2. ruin; death: to fall to one's doom.
3. a judgment, decision, or sentence, esp. an unfavorable one.
4. the Last Judgment, at the end of the world.
5. to pronounce judgment against; condemn.
6. to ordain or fix as a sentence or fate..........................man·tra /'mæntr?, 'm?n-, 'm?n-/[man-truh, mahn-, muhn-]
[Origin: 1800–10; Sanskrit]...................................................
.....................................................1. A sacred verbal formula repeated in prayer, meditation, or incantation, such as an invocation of a god, a magic spell, or a syllable or portion of scripture containing mystical potentialities.
2. A commonly repeated word or phrase
3. "that part of the Vedas which contains hymns," from Skt. mantra-s "sacred message or text, charm, spell, counsel," lit. "instrument of thought," related to manyate "thinks." Sense of "special word used for meditation".