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My heart always belonged to youI shall even give up my life for you
I wont ever betrey you my love
I swear by god my love
by godIife would take this new turn
I nevere ever imagined
I dont belleve it
Oh what has it come to
How could i be disiolayl to you
I seek justice
For give me
This much mercy i seek
My heart always belonged to youI shall even give up my life for you
I was carred away
I was insane
Curse me
Ingnored your simpllcity
I wish to love you more then before
At your feet i want to lay in heaven and earth
Snatch away my peace
Snatch away my joys
Let me have all your sorrows
My heart always belonged to youI shall even give up my life for you
I want vere betray you my love
My tears tell my story
Please dont consider
My tears worthless
My tears shall wash away the stainsand paint them again in the house of love
Please stay with me i shall err no more
I shall never be unfair to you
My heart always belonged to youI shall even give up my life for you
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