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☆★80's ߪþεε★☆

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About Me

LOVE TO HAVE FUN. LOVE MAH FRIENDS HUMOROUS ATHLETIC LOVABLE I HAVE A GREAT PERSONALITY I CAN GET ALONG WITH JUST ABOUT ANYBODY, I AINT BEEFIN SMART LOVE TO BE SPONTANIOUS DOWN FOR WUTEVA PLAY SOFTBALL RUN TRACK LETTERED IN BOTH I'm a Senior at Battery Creek High School, I like all types of things, Listening to music, goin ta parties, lookin cute, chillin, Scary Movies, Eating, i like it all, u name it. Basically all of the above explains just about everything about me...for now

~About Me~
Full Name?: Jasmin Marina Bernetta Thomas
Age?: 17
Birthday?: March 2, 1989
Birthplace?: Long Branch, NJ
Current Location?: BU, SC
What School Do U Go 2?: Battery Creek
Grade?: 12
Mascot?: dolphin
Colors?: blue n gold
Fave Class?: math
Worst Class?: economics
Activities?: colorguard, softball, track
Best Friend?: Q, Nita, Micah
Smartest?: Q
Funniest?: Nita
Best Actor?: Micah
Singer?: me
Artist?: none
Most Outgoing?: Q
Shy?: nita
Athletic?: me
Preppiest?: none
In A Guy/ Girl
First thing you notice?: eyes
Traits?: chest n stomach
Eye/ Hair Color?: brown
Color?: blue
Song at the moment?: walk it out...chicken noodle soup
Movie?: step up
Singer?: mary j blige
Actor/ Actress?: will smith
Book?: watsons go to birmingham
Quote?: the truth shall set u free
This or That
Coke or Pepsi?: pepsi
Butterfly or Ladybug?: butterfly
Fiction or Poetry?: poetry
One Tree Hill or Gilmore Girls?: gilmore girls
Myspace or Xanga?: myspace
Day or Night?: night
Cappuchino or Frappuchino?: cappuchino
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My Interests

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I'd like to meet:


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hip hop R&B RAP Some of my favorite artists tho, are Cherish, Dem franchise boyz, ciara, chris brown, chamillionaire, beyonce', i mean too many to name. My favorite songs right now are: Chicken noodle soup, Walk it out, do it to it, Get up, man, its too many to name too.
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HORROR DRAMA MYSTERY & SUSPENCE Some of the best actors in my eyes are Will Smith, Jamie Fox, Martin Lawrence, vin diesel, Raven Symone & Tom Cruise




WATSON's GO TO BIRMINGHAM I like to read when i'm feelin down & need to unwind,or when i got a book report due tha next day
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GOD My Mother...i don't know how they do it sometimes
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My Blog

The Key To My Heart

The Key To My Heart Know how to make me smile On the outside as well as in. Know how to hold me and rub me Treat me like your best friend. Have a big heart, prescious and pure Let it be true and tough...
Posted by ~JASMIN~Too EZ tO LoVE on Wed, 11 Oct 2006 06:29:00 PST

its crazy

u kno wut i realized. U can tell when people are good liars. if ur a good liar, u be lying so hard, dat u even make urself believe the lie, and u kno u makin it up. u be so convinced in dat lie dat u ...
Posted by ~JASMIN~Too EZ tO LoVE on Sat, 30 Sep 2006 06:11:00 PST

lets get it

TRUTHS WHITE AND HISPANIC PEOPLE KNOW, BUT BLACK PEOPLE WON'T ADMIT: 1. O. J. did it. 2. Tupac is dead. 3. Teeth should not be decorated.  4. Weddings should start on time. 5. Your pastor doe...
Posted by ~JASMIN~Too EZ tO LoVE on Mon, 25 Sep 2006 05:01:00 PST


i'm confused a bout a lot of things right now. y do people say things that they don't mean? How come when backed into a corner, thats when the truth has to come out. y can't they tell the truth from t...
Posted by ~JASMIN~Too EZ tO LoVE on Fri, 22 Sep 2006 09:32:00 PST

man, i ain kno

um, i'm really bored. my job is gettin wack, skoo is aight even tho i only got 2 classes since i am, u kno, a SENIOR. um my life's goin aight for now..i mean i aint too stressed out today. erry1 is do...
Posted by ~JASMIN~Too EZ tO LoVE on Fri, 22 Sep 2006 08:42:00 PST

dang man

It Seems like everytime i try to keep my life together, things always fall apart. I just hope that god can stand by my side through my struggles and will set me on the right path of happiness. If he d...
Posted by ~JASMIN~Too EZ tO LoVE on Tue, 19 Sep 2006 09:06:00 PST


some things that seem so little in the past, turn out to be extremely big in the present. Don't make any major decisions while ur mad cuz they'll turn around on u and u'll regret it. I've learned a lo...
Posted by ~JASMIN~Too EZ tO LoVE on Tue, 19 Sep 2006 08:24:00 PST