Sirko Drive (anarchist headache) profile picture

Sirko Drive (anarchist headache)

About Me

My musical roots are punk and old, funky hiphop. In 2006 I had begun to produce electronic-based music on an old computer. I've been playing drums since I was eleven years old (since six years now...). I think that this is the basic of my music, it's most really rythmic. I'm doing every part of my music myself, I don't use drum/synthesizer-loops or shit like that, i create it all by myself.
I think commercializing music like MTV is doing it is nothing more than prostitution. I'm proud of beeing far awy from that...
My lyrics are completly about politics and its impacts to the society, because I think music has to be politicaly, music is a good way for taking action... Many musicians for example try to make some Love-songs, but it doesn't work, the feeling is too complex, completely indescribably. But it woks if you use music as a weapon. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////// The only chance of survival is resistance, the only moment of movement is now. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////
Together with three other musicians we founded our own label The Crach Cooperation . now we're six, all with different styles and we're going our own way to get indiependent from the capitalistic music-industry...
===================Discografy:========================= //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////// RECENTLY (March 2009)
Walking on Ashes
hard noisy electronic rock... this EP contains the music which was originally produced for the album "A World Heated By Burning Books" (read this for further details). you can download it for free here (50.1 mb; 320kBit/s mp3s; winRAR-file):
Rapidshare: on_Ashes.rar
Filefront:;1350 3735;/fileinfo.html
2006::::::::::::::::::::::::-The Contrast Programm-::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: The first stuff I recorded. Copies only given to my friends, a DHC-Electro-Punk-and-whatever-mix. My first experiments on an 400-mhz computer with the 20€-programm Music-Maker. Most songs are just beats made with one-shot sampels and distorted synths.
2007::::::::::::::::::::::::-The Machine Is Taking Over-::::::::::::::::::::::::: A pure Noise-Record, recorded live in my bedroom while I was full of agression. Really hard stuff, it was the most intense recording-session I ever had, so it's some of the most important shit I've done to me. I only used a Korg ES1 Sampling-Groovebox, a Yamaha effect-processor (FX500) and a broken speaker used as a microphone.
download it here:;12409 425;/fileinfo.html
2007::::::::::::::::::::::::-The Too Close EP -::::::::::::::::::::::::: A really synthetic sounding industrial EP. download it here for free:;1 0269429;/fileinfo.html
"Speaking the Truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act."
George Orwell
»Die billigste Art des Stolzes ist hingegen der Nationalstolz. Denn er verrät in dem damit Behafteten den Mangel an individuellen Eigenschaften, auf die er stolz sein könnte, indem er sonst nicht zu dem greifen würde, was er mit so vielen Millionen teilt. Wer bedeutende persönliche Vorzüge besitzt, wird vielmehr die Fehler seiner eigenen Nation, da er sie beständig vor Augen hat, am deutlichsten erkennen. Aber jeder erbärmliche Tropf, der nichts in der Welt hat, darauf er stolz sein könnte, ergreift das letzte Mittel, auf die Nation, der er gerade angehört, stolz zu sein.«
Arthur Schopenhauer

My Interests


Member Since: 5/24/2007
Band Website:
Band Members: my mind, voice, my ears and hands.
Influences: Love, Hate, Politics, Literature, Art and Music

(in no order)"1984" by George Orwell, "fahrenheit 451" by Ray bradbury, "Brave New World" by Aldous Huxley, and many others...

there are too many...

(in no order) Alec Empire, Urlaub in Polen, Fever, Atari Teenage Riot, Nic Endo, Bomb 20, Patric Catani, Department of Eagles, Rage Against The Machine, Panic DHH, Ec8oR, Shizuo, Nine Inch Nails, Saul Williams, Sonic Youth, Egolf Epen, Nirvana, Bear in Heaven, the list goes on and on...
Sounds Like: crach.

why do i have to describe my music? listen.
Record Label: THE CRACH COOPERATION, Sociopath Recordings
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

SIRKO DRIVE - WALKING ON ASHES EP out now for FREE DOWNLOAD!!! (blog in english & deutsch)

///ENGLISH////////////////fist in the air!originally we wanted to release something different at present...namely the sirko drive-album "a world heated by burning books".you maybe read it already, the...
Posted by on Sat, 21 Mar 2009 07:49:00 GMT

Release-Ankündigung: zwei Sirko Drive EPs als Gratisdownload!

wie ich bereits berichtet habe, wurde die produktion von "a world heated by burning books"  wegen hardware-problemen eingstellt. ich produziere zur zeit aber schon wieder an einem neuen album, und die...
Posted by on Mon, 16 Mar 2009 11:01:00 GMT

Ein bedingungsloses grundeinkommen für alle!! (unterschriftensammlung)

Eine Petition zur Einfuehrung eines Grundeinkommens quer durch alle Branchen findet statt bis zum 17.02. auf n%3Bsa=details%3Bpetition=1422Es w...
Posted by on Sun, 15 Feb 2009 05:21:00 GMT

praise from Ike van Dayk...

What ike van dayk means about the upcoming album:"I..mnot even sure which of the about 30 songs Sirko Drive showed me over thelast years are actually going to be on the album, but if only half of them...
Posted by on Sun, 01 Feb 2009 09:28:00 GMT

interview (old)

da das interview direkt auf der seite so furchtbar viel platz wegnahm, hab ich's als blog verschoben.ein interview von mit anarchist headacheModern_art: Ahoi, Mr. Headache! Die We...
Posted by on Thu, 11 Dec 2008 14:40:00 GMT

crach cooperation GUESTBOOK!!!!!!

hey out there!we know that it's really fucked up that only myspace-users are alowed to post comments on a myspace-site... so we created a GUESTBOOK!!!feel free to subscibe as much as you want, tell us...
Posted by on Thu, 27 Nov 2008 12:46:00 GMT

New Release: the "Too Close"-EP!!!!!!!

Good morning everyone!I'm  really proud to present you the first CRACH RECORDINGS release, wich is also the first official release from anarchist headache. Distorted synthetic sounds and machine-...
Posted by on Fri, 09 May 2008 08:19:00 GMT

New own label: CRACH RECORDINGS!!!!

Hi out there!The last time we were really hard working on our own record-label, crach recordings, and now the most stuff is finished, we are going our own way to be indiependent from the music industr...
Posted by on Sun, 03 Feb 2008 03:42:00 GMT

Anarchist Headache Live noise-album for free Download!!!!!!

Hey out there!A few days ago I recorded my noise-album "The Machine is Taking over" in a 1 hour live session in my "studio". You can download it fo...
Posted by on Sat, 17 Nov 2007 05:14:00 GMT

some bad, bad news... (or maybe not)

Hey out there!Some weeks ago I told you that my new album will be released in the next months...But now I decided that I will re-arrange all old songs and put put verry, verry much time into the new m...
Posted by on Sun, 14 Oct 2007 05:17:00 GMT