¥ Lauren ¥ profile picture

¥ Lauren ¥

...over it!...

About Me

I live in my own little world...But it's okay- They know me here ahahahaha

*** ..I like to think of myself as a perfectly imperfect person!! Im that chick, you know, the one that has a plate full but is constantly willing to take on more! Really outgoing but shy as hell! Completely open and honest with my feelings! Open-minded...Ive begun to realize just how simple (not simpleton) yet unpredictable I am! I've never lost my child-like enthusiasm. Some days im not sure if that's good or bad.
I have high expectations...but only of myself when it comes to matters of the heart. I admire many, but love few. I love life, romance, adventure and all that good stuff in between! Some would say im hard to tame, too independent, and to tame me would be like walking thru hell with gasoline britches on =) **Maybe some women aren't meant to be tamed...Maybe they're supposed to run wild until they find someone just as wild to run witH**
I believe that person that does know how to tame me, not change me, is out there, consuming life with each breath, steady...strong and endlessly changing...
I love like I should...live like I shouldn't and walk with self confidence. I think beginnings are scary, endings are usually sad...but it's the middle that counts the most!!
My GOALS: to travel as often as possible, to learn to forgive more easily, to live my own personal truth and not try to cater to everyone else's idea of what mine should be, to continue working on living conciously and in the moment, to be the best mom/lover/friend/partner/person that I can be. Each day make a difference whether small or large and keep smiling even during failure and especially when I fail bigtime =) try to keep being blessed with common sense in a world where it's not so common anymore...
My LOVES IN LIFE: him (or her, for that matter), fun socks (happy feet), spending time with my family, my Whiskey cat, kissing, making out, sunflowers, scents, the smell of a hazelnut candle, vanilla, a candles glow and flame, honesty, smart (sexy), laughter, trance, dancing, camping, concerts, music, taking long walks, holding hands, writing my poetry, reading...reading outloud with my partner, taking long drives, picnics in the park, playing pool, my lazy sundays, warm flannel sheets, the sound of a fan, Mountain Dew =), a draft of fresh air thru my home, music, music and more music, laughing until I cry, smiling until my face hurts, ice cream on a lazy summer night, cooking, star-gazing, playing in the rain, watching my lover sleep, leaving little notes to the ones I love for no reason, dragonflies, milk at bedtime, caressing soft skin, making love, pampering the ones I care about, etc...
Im a wonderful organizer, a great listener, and better lover...
My CHILDREN~~~The one true and constant love I've ever had or will ever...They are my angels...They are my lifeline... They complete me... They are the blood that runs thru my veins... They have smiles that light up the darkest of moments.... They are strength and hold great power... They are geniuses in their own ways... They are love, compassion, inspiration... They are the greatest two things I have ever done in my life!! They are heavenly lights shining upon my heart.

This layout was handmade with love by the folks at My space or yours? using original artwork by Marah Johnson. Go get one!

My Interests

**...as I look back over the course of my passion, I was like one blind, Unafraid of the dark...**

We've got this gift of love, but love is like a precious plant. You can't just accept it and leave it in the cupboard or just think it's going to get on by itself. You've got to keep watering it. You've got to really look after it and nurture it.~John Lennon~

" I was walking down this journey of life, I wandered away from the conscious... I ended up on the straight path."

I'd like to meet:

Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow. Don't walk behind me, I may not lead. Just walk beside me and be my friend

**Things aren't always what they look like. **Today is the tomorrow you were waiting for yesterday. **Say what you mean and mean what you say. **Plan your work and work your plan. **Happiness is the way! **Success is a journey, not a destination. **Obstacles are what you see when you take your eyes off the road. **There is always an opportunity in any disaster. **The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. **The only tyrant I accept in this world is the still voice within. **We must be the change we wish to see.
There's nothing wrong with opening your eyes to view one's personal level in relationship's, love's and life...To open your ear's as well is truly a gift! Don't just listen but also be heard...


**The Crystal Method, Incubus, Stone Sour, Deep Forest, Seether, Dirty Vegas, Pink Floyd, DJ Micro, Smashing Pumpkins, Dave Matthews, Marvin Gaye, Brian McKnight, Julie Roberts, Mary J., Cinderella, Def Leopard, AD/DC, Garth Brooks, Plumb, Anna Nalick, DJ Dalien, Paul Oakenfold, Paul Van Dyk, Robert Miles, Tori Amos, Evanescence, The Cure, Enigma, Alan Jackson, Brad Paisley, LL., Sarah Mclachlan, Billie Myers, Tangerine Dream, Tubular Bells, Jewel, Jazz, Dido, Jermaine Rand, Indie Arie, Norah Jones, Art of Noise, the beautiful voice that comes from my daughter (she takes after her mom), the sound of silence and the thoughts running rapidly thru my head, the sound of my lovers sighs and sleepy cries, the sound of making love, the sound of passion,the sound of water, waves and the thoughts of being emerged with my lover...


my favorite movies...Bridges of Madison County, Practical Magic, Man on Fire, Matrix, Lackawanna Blues, etc...


NCIS!! UFC, Nip/Tuck, Dirt, most anything related to racing, etc... Discovery Channel, HBO (In Treatment)!!


anything inspired by true events, poetry, suspense, drama, self help, spiritual as well as healing, massage therapy, pressure points, astronomy, cars, boating magazines, etc...


My CHILDREN and the way they never cease to amaze me. My MOM AND DAD for everything they've done for me, even still to this day on a huge scale. My GRANDPARENTS for always being such strong men and women in my life. My SISTER, for always laughing with me and never at me!! My dearest and closest friends...for putting up with my "shit" and still being able to manage me appropriately, because I dont wish to be Everything to Everyone but I would like to be Something to Someone
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My love and respect goes out to all of those irreplacable men and women who serve our country and their own!! There's not a single word that can show appreciation...Honestly, THANK YOU just isn't enough!!

My Blog


The phone rings Hoping its you Subsiding my feelings Sad and blue There's a hello As I sit and pause The voice on the other end Hoping it brings good cause The voice of a man I've definitely heard...
Posted by ¥ Lauren ¥ on Fri, 20 Jun 2008 06:16:00 PST

Lifes Dance

Once you awaken and embrace the light, your life changes course...no longer a constant fight. You begin to see all things clearly, what was once lifeless and dull...now no longer dreary. The path awa...
Posted by ¥ Lauren ¥ on Mon, 16 Jun 2008 11:30:00 PST

In Spite...

In spite of your hopes you learn to take flight, holding tight to your dreams to last you through the night. Then there comes the darkness, the undeniable begins, the long dreaded lonelies start to se...
Posted by ¥ Lauren ¥ on Mon, 16 Jun 2008 11:23:00 PST

A Woman’s Worth

Over the last few days I was able to spend time with my girlfriend Casey... We had such a wonderful time together and im so very thankful. After 5 years of not seeing her it was a much anticipated vis...
Posted by ¥ Lauren ¥ on Tue, 03 Jun 2008 05:38:00 PST

One of those days...

My Plea My world collapses around me Nothing but sheer terror Not knowing my walls were not strong enough My soul is left too bare Voices all around me Saying its okay But they do not really know F...
Posted by ¥ Lauren ¥ on Mon, 19 May 2008 07:37:00 PST

What What

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RQ74x3oK_SY Dedicated...to all the "WHAT WHAT's"...
Posted by ¥ Lauren ¥ on Fri, 16 May 2008 01:24:00 PST

In You

I send my love... ... it may show itself in many forms, some of which you will never recognize. I know there are times your presence lingers, this resonating light that fleets itself in and out o...
Posted by ¥ Lauren ¥ on Fri, 16 May 2008 11:02:00 PST


 I wonder if it would shake youIf I dreamed of you last nightI ponder if that would give youReason to smile, find some delight For it was a simple thoughtOf meeting you and together laughing...
Posted by ¥ Lauren ¥ on Thu, 01 May 2008 11:48:00 PST


& Life is an adventure! It is not what happens to you, it is how you handle what happens to you.  Stand proud and tell your own story, rather small or gigantic, that will pass down from person to...
Posted by ¥ Lauren ¥ on Thu, 01 May 2008 10:50:00 PST


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mtIaPbYzPvA Will I always feel this way.......
Posted by ¥ Lauren ¥ on Thu, 01 May 2008 10:24:00 PST