The 11 times table up until it gets complicated. The 3rd night of the proms. Putting socks .. my shoes.
A shoplifter
Brian and Michael's Matchstalk Men, anything by aqua, some of Dr Alban's early work, Chakademus and Pliers, Robson and Jerome.
Rude ones with titties and people grunting together
Anything with Dave Benson Phillips, Ian McShane (TV's Lovejoy), crash!, bang!, whallop! what a video, MONKEY tennis, Arma Wrestling with Chaz and Dave, Inner City Sumo, Knowming ME, knowing you.
I'm a big fan of Enid Blyton and anything about smugglers. I also like top shelf publications like "Build your own top shelf and other carpentry secrets"
Little people, God bless 'em. People with upside down heads aka bald people with beards. Bill Oddy. Fishermen.