just ask anything u wanna know i got nothin interesting to write anyways:]
people that add me talk, what do you add me for then?;)
soo catch yaa;] xheyy there!!
Layout by CoolChaser
*The New and Improved Ultimate About Me*:
Name: maya
Date of Birth: october 5
Birthplace: new york
Current Location: israel :| just moved not long ago from new york
Eye Color: monkey shit
Hair Color: lol idk tbh..brownish gold
Height: midget
Piercings: 2 nose piercings..snakebites,vertical labret,both ear lobes gauged to 1/2 an inch, tongue and soon gettin bellybutton again
Tattoos: i wish..in a couple of months for sure when i will have enough money:)
Band/Singer: i rly dont know i have a lot of favorites
Song: too many XD
Movie: idk forgot the name
Disney Movie: lol don't watch disney movies tbh..
TV show: two and a half men
Color: dont know
Food: wafers!!
Pizza topping: umm nothing lol
Ice-Cream Flavor: vanilla
Drink (alcoholic): beers and whiskey..not a bif fan of alcohol though tbh
Soda: cokeee
Store: hot topic, lightwave pacific sunwear
Clothing Brand: to many lol
Shoe Brand: es
Season: spring
Month: may
Holiday/Festival: halloween
Flower: ughh let me think....
Make-Up Item: umm makeup..eyeliner>?
Board game: don't rly play board games but..idk..monopoly?
This or That
Sunny or rainy: sunny
Chocolate or vanilla: vanilla
Fruit or veggie: fruit
Night or day: night
Sour or sweet: sour
Love or money: money
Phone or in person: in person
Looks or personality: personality
Coffee or tea: coffee
Hot or cold: cold
Goal for this year: get better at skating and guitar? and getting higher grades, learn to drum rly good
Most missed memory: snowboarding every weekend when i lived in new york
Best physical feature: umm idk extreme sports..
First thought waking up: this will be such a shit day, or hey this day might be pretty good.
Hypothetical personality disorder:
Preferred type of plastic surgery:
Sesame street alter ego:
Fairytale alter ego:
Most stupid remark: have many lol
Worst crime: umm don't have one tbh
Greatest ambition: dk..
Greatest fear: don't know i have many great fears actually dont know whats my greatest one though
Darkest secret:
Favorite subject: in school?? nothing
Strangest received gift: umm don't remember lol
Worst habit: um..dont know have many
Do You:
Smoke: yea.got problems? then fuck off.
Drink: beers
Curse: yea
Shower daily: yup
Like thunderstorms: depends..sometimes yea sometimes no
Dance in the rain: lol sure ><
Sing: ugh not rly..used to now i suck
Play an instrument: yea kinda starting though
Get along with your parents: getting better actually
Wish on stars: no
Believe in fate: idk, kinda though
Believe in love at first sight: kinda
Can You:
Drive: i wish lol, soon
Sew: a bit
Cook: ugh yea but i just don't do it often lol
Speak another language: yea
Dance: maybe i can but dont rly do it
Sing: not rly..
Touch your nose with your tongue: nope, my tongue ring can
Whistle: kinda
Curl your tongue: yea
Have You Ever:
Been Drunk: yup
Been Stoned/High: lol ugh..
Eaten Sushi: gross
Been in Love: in serious love? not really
Skipped school: do it everyday
Made prank calls: lol a long time ago
Sent someone a love letter: nope
Stolen something: tbh yea lol
Cried yourself to sleep: nahh
Other Questions:
What annoys you most in a person? if they are rly selfish
Are you right or left handed? right
What is your bedtime? lol i sleep whenever i feel like it
Name three things you can't live without: music..friends and money
What is the color of your room? this ugly yellow im painting it soon
Do you have any siblings? yup 2 stupid brothers=]
Do you have any pets? yea,,a cat that also with him i couldn't live without<3
Would you kill someone you hate for a million dollars? yea!
What is you middle name? dont have one
What are you nicknames? firetits lol long story
Are you for or against gay marriage? for..not against!
What are your thoughts on abortion? umm if u have no choice then what can u do..
Do you have a crush on anyone? maybe
Are you afraid of the dark? i actually love the dark..
How do you want to die? ugh..lol don't care
What is the largest amount of popsicles that you have eaten on one day? um like 2 or 3 lol
Would you take a bullet for the one you love? sure why not
What is the last law you’ve broken? td>
In a Member of the Opposite Sex:
Hair color: umm brownish
Eye color: dont care
Height pretty tall even though anyone is taller than me so it doesnt rly matter
Weight not to skinny and not to fat
Most important physical feature: extreme sports or playing an instrument..oh..growling! and not being to bad in school
Biggest turn-off acting to much like a girl lol
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