I'm too lame to have interests... Actually when I was 10, I collected seashells... does that count?
Dead: My great great great great great great grandmother, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Alice Paul, George Washington Alive: Queen Elizabeth
Anything goes... seriously these are the playlists on my ipod... Grey's Anatomy Soundtracks, Dashboard, Sum 41, James Blunt, Josh Groban, Enya, Phantom of the Opera Soundtrack, Schubert, Bach, Mozart, Jack Johnson, David Gray, Third Day, Forest Gump Soundtracks, Blink 182, Killers, Blue October (not sure why), Lord of Rings Soundtrack, all 17 cds of the 6th Harry Potter book... and to be honest I'm tired of a lot of these and some I'm not sure why I put on there... but I'm too lazy to change it
Sad Movie (its a Korean flick... look 4 it online... its amazing!) Little Miss Sunshine, Napolean Dynamite, Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind, Bravehart, Mulan, Drop Dead Fred,
LOVE:Simpsons, Scrubs, the Office, Heros, Grey's Anatomy HATE: Any reality show!
Harry Potter, Steinbeck's Grapes of Wrath, Eargon, Mostly anything in the Asian genre, Nonfiction: David McCollough
Jesus... the One and Only