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Well, bassicly i am a free artist as we would call it a woodpecker-kloshar-bogu kradem dane.I am 6ft tall have a hugeeee package a blond mustashe, i am half gipsy 1/3 midget, 1/3 pakistani an a little bit jewish on the inside.
When i have some free time i do a lot of art work, like sniff paint, colour my underwear, shave my frends dog pubic hair,paint with my imaginary friend Pablo...
People often tell me that i am anoing but i know thats not
true becouse im like the coolest kid in school.
I go out a lot, most to clubs like the Blue Oister bar where i have a lot of good friends and we listen to groovey music, and dance a lot and have manley fun...
On sundays i go to my mormoon church regullary and i do a lot of chearity work for the homeless people, like:Take their money-Becouse they are going to spend it all aneyway on alcohol.I take their clothes becouse they look rediculus in them ...
In general i am a good kid or as i like to say i am a giver, i rather give away than take, if you know what i mean.