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Marc Womack

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I'm a regular kinda guy, just a sick f**k. I started a website called ConsumptionJunction back in 1999 and after a couple years it was big enough I could quit the corporate world and do my own thing. Now I've got two great business partners and run a company with eleven websites and over fifty employees. Our sites get over 70,000,000 visitors a month! Not bad for the first site I ever built! All our sites are totally free and we make money by selling non-annoying ads on them.
I'm a pretty laid back and happy guy. Who wouldn't be? I'm doing what I love and I really dig the people that work for me.
As for personal stuff, I'm a tech nerd who's way into the newest gadgets and video games. I love to travel and have had the opportunity to visit and/or live in several countries. I live in the Philippines now. I've got an awesome girlfriend (Shey) who I met in Panama and have been in love with for three years now. I never thought I'd meet a chick that's as perverted as me, hot, and into the same stuff I'm into. Not too shabby.

My Interests

Sex, Music, Technology, Websites. I'm a Halo junkie!

I'd like to meet:

    Anyone from Guns N' Roses (original or new lineup), Velvet Revolver, and/or Blind Melon. Yes, Shannon Hoon is dead but I met him before he croaked. Bill Gates. Not sure if I'd congratulate him or punch him. Gianna Michaels . President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo


Hard Rock, Rap & Hip-Hop, pretty much anything except country.


Braveheart, Natural Born Killers, 300, Thank You for Smoking, Team America (baka-laka-daka, dirka-dirka, jihad!). Hell I don't know. DVD's only cost a $1 in Philippines so I've seen so damn many movies I can't remember.


South Park, Lost, House, Heroes, Law & Order: SVU, CSI's. TV sucks here in the Philippines but I have my assistant download episodes. SWEET!


Star Wars. Yeah I'm a dork. I've read like 100 of them. Also dig the Halo video game books. Super Dork. Those books are really good! Harry Potter books kick ass.


I don't really have any. Strange, huh?

My Blog

Finally Got Sucked In

Yeah, I'm finally on MySpace.  I actually had an account a long time ago but I never used it.  No surprise that if you don't log into an account for years they delete your lazy ass.  So...
Posted by Marc Womack on Sun, 27 May 2007 08:00:00 PST