I..m girL next door that Likes traveLing, and hanging out with friends.
I Love/ Like:
music and x3m sports, me, food, my bro, dancing, singing, partys, make-up, jeLLyfishs, singing, Spray graffitis, Six pack, photography, friends, names: Neo, Demjan, Axu, green coLor, scene core, party stuff, acting, coffe, neon green, fLuorescent things, my styLe, j-rock haircuts, sheeps, boys, internet, party boy (my hamster), Memo (my fish), Meemee (my cat), RTL-TV, alcohoL, drugs, hugs, kissing, TV, my computer MiLe .. .......
I disLike/ hate:
cLauns, roaches, pink, foLk music, worms, peopLe that steaL other peopLe pics, boys from Zadar, when I have no money in my pocket, redbuLL, when i have no time for my hair or make-up!, Aldo..s bad breath,..... . .. .
I want:
to move out of this city/state/country, to meet Segio Mack-NeLson, to traveL around the gLobe, to snowboard every singLe day, to have my own cLothing Line, a boyfriend, to sing in a band or for a DJ, to have extensions, to be a scene core queen, to open a cLub with John, ...
Although I Look Like I..m insensitive, cold, and egocentric, badass girL, I..m not that bad person:D
check me out:D
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