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aduro idle

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Member Since: 24/05/2007
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Sounds Like: ADURO IDLE serves as an experimental interpretation of Kenny Arehart’s more recognized music; encompassing the heavy and the dark to the eloquent and the melodic. Before the inception of ADURO IDLE, he had THE HUMAN ABSTRACT. As the bass player and live background vocalist, he along with the other members of the band signed to Hopeless Records in late 2005 and soon after released their debut record “Nocturne” in August 2006. After its release and a year of subsequent touring, Kenny parted ways with The Human Abstract in order to pursue a life that did not revolve around a van and a hectic traveling schedule. Soon after arriving home, all of the music Kenny had begun writing on the road was now ready to be brought together into one cohesive idea. What would result is “Rae”, a short episodic EP, however brief. Inspired by the showgaze movement of bands such as Jesu, Isis, Explosions in the Sky and Red Sparrows etc, Kenny used his various midi programs to concept out “Rae” by forging his own sound influenced by the aforementioned artists. Working closely with like-minded individuals and friends to establish his own sound and vision, basic midi recordings were made and now stream on the ADURO IDLE myspace. When asked about his first EP, Kenny had this to say: “What one would say is fate another might say is just trivial circumstances. Is a stringing together of carefully selected adjectives and verbs profound enough to be called pros?

One must decide for themselves.

I do know this: This album is a story that is best understood by listening from beginning to end. Each song is a movement of the piece as a whole and is a snap shot of time.”

May 1, 2008 Tragedy has struck aduro idle. Yesterday, I decided to upgrade my recording software. My rig is a little out of date and so it was time to to bring myself back up to speed, technology wise. After the installation process had completed, i decided to try some of my new plug-ins on one of my working tracks. I went to open the file and to my surprise it was not in its root folder, nor were any of my working tracks. I did a spotlight search and much to my shegrin, all of my files were gone. deleted. I will not let this bring me down. i'm looking at this like the phoenix and like it, from this fire of tragedy, aduro idle will be reborn.

Mar. 19, 2008 So this is the new year. The page has a new look and i have a new outlook on life. well, i guess its not really a new outlook. its more of an improvement of the view i already held. there are song ideas constantly coming and demos are flying out of me. The best part is that the studio is back up and running. Hopefully that means i can record at least one track soon. i have a few ideas of which track i want to do, but time will tell on that.

Nov. 17, 2007
Relationships are a funny thing. They come and go; they build and they crumble. The last two years have been interesting and certainly the most eyeopening of my just shy of a quarter century life. I've come to realize that the story i want to tell can no longer be confined to an e.p. of a few songs. Plus, I've decided not to be so inwardly focused, especially with the message i'm trying to convey. I had lunch last week with A.J., my former guitar player in The Human Abstract. It was nice to touch base and see where life had taken him. Likewise, it was nice to share my life story of sorts over the last year since my departure from the band. Reconnecting that relationship was interesting and sort of unexpected. I say, forget what you expect. Expect nothing and you will receive much in return, just not the way you might think.


Oct. 6, 2007
So tonight I ventured into North Hollywood to see Jesu play at Amoeba Music. I have to say that every time I see that band perform it changes my life. Taking that experience home with me, I am frantically jotting down rhythms, melodies and progressions. The writing process never ends. It is true that I am recording the Rae EP but who knows? This could evolve into something more grandios. There have been many changes in my life recently that will shape the music I create. But for now the promise of the sun rising becons me to sleep so that I may not catch him in the act of peaking over the horizon.


Sept. 27, 2007
It has come to my attention that things don't happen how you think they should. The fact is that people, by design are fallible. No we are not perfect put it is becoming clearer and clearer that getting one's hopes up for something is a bad idea. Don't plan ahead. Live for the here and now but always be prepared to be disappointed, that way you never will be.

Stay tuned for updates about the recordings.
Record Label: Unsigned

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