KT on SellaBandnice!!! i m happy stay tunedKTSellaband is a platform where upcoming artists can promote their music and raise money to finally record their album in a professional way! Just simply set up a profile and you become a believer ,get a share for only 10$ thats how you can support me and or other artists,in return you will recieve the special edition album shipped directly to your current adress ,plus in addition and after all that ,1/3 of the CD sales in the year after the record was done,will be split evenly between all the believers!I DO strongly believe in this system that actually brings musiclovers fans and artists from all over the world together!!! THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT Welcome new BELIEVERS!!! More info? Feel free to contact me any time or check www.sellaband.com
i wanna meet :
openmindet and tolerant people who mean no harm and understand the importance of being honest!!girls!!!i wanna meet more girls!!musicians,dancers artistic people,people with open minds and open hearts!!people who care and respect others for who they are!!i wanna meet travellers and survivors everybody who carries the spirit of love!! what i love: my family and friends the most,music in general,singing ,dancing,partyyy,laughing ,good vibrations,nature,the sea and sunshine every day,good conversations,kids,travelling,adventures,the big drama and her queen(me),deep feelings,chocolate,parfumes,animals especially horses,my bed,shopping,red bull and fitness water,strawberrys,massages,long hot showers,snow and the smell of fresh mountain air,stretching,sneakers,compftable clothes,i love the simple things as long as everything is peaceful and alright...
what i hate:
negative thinking,energy vampires,superficialness,fighting,liars,people who just don't care at all,flakes,doing my laundry,waisting time in traffic,agressive people,the taste of lemongrass,being late,hurting highheels,smelly feet,bad movies,searching for parking space,needless arguement,allergies,spiders,dirty restrooms...
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