INTERESTS- anything out of the ordinary (sky diving, bunjee jumping, scuba diving, space exploration, mountain climbing, etc.) - philosophical or abstract thought (ie. life outside of earth, concept of love, concept of religion vs spirituality, etc.) - dance (ie. SALSA, banghra, tap, breakdance, etc.) - art (drawing, painting, poetry, etc.)
- my soul mate.. lucky for me I found her already
- the richest person alive
- the poorest person alive
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American GangsterSAW I-IVCast Awayhttp://www.../video_play_2135_I_m_a_Keeper_.htmhttp://ww w.../video_play_1601_Dance_in_Unison.htm
Wish I had the time... but some things that have caught my eye in the past... Nip Tuck... Heroes... American Idol... So you think you can dance...
- Harry Potter Series - Divinci Code - The Most Dangerous Game
The people around me everyday that do even the simplest things, which inevitably make me want to do better... no one is perfect yet at the same time everyone is capable of accomplishing a deed that could positively affect someone else's life...