Contact Tables
The shins, The Killers, Moby, Coldplay, Danny Elfman, Dumas, Fiona Apple, Billy Talent, Jack Johnson, Xavier Rudd, Jean Leloup, Lifehouse, The arcade Fire, Malajube, The Breastfeeders, Mickey 3d, John Mayor, Oasis, Of Montreal, M, The Beatles, The Dears, The white stripes, Ray Charles, Frank Ferdiand, Radiohead, The Cranberries, Georges Moustaki, Serge Reggiani,Gnarls Barkley...
Dannie Boyle: The Beach, Trainspotting, Sunshine Tim Burton: Nightmare before Christmas, Charlie and the chocolate factory, Edward and scissorhand, The corpse bride The aviator, Bande à part, Clockwork Orange, Heart and souls, Quiconque meurt à douleur, The Jacket, Les 50 premier rendez-vous, Catch me if you can Dead poets society, The Kids, The great dictator,The shawshank redemption, Jarhead Acteur: Robert Downey Junior, Léonardo Dicaprio, Johnny Depp, Robert Sean Leonard, Jude Law, Ewan Mcgregor, Jim Carrey,Tim Robin, Adrien Brody, Charlie Chaplin...
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