Fox River Congregational Church profile picture

Fox River Congregational Church

About Me

CAMPUS OFFICE N34 W23575 Capitol Drive Pewaukee, WI 53072
Rev. Lonnie Richardson is usually available at his study in the Minister's Residence located on the campus from 9 to 11:30am and 3 to 5pm Tuesday through Friday
He is eager to meet with you any time, and evening and weekend calls are welcome.
Phone: 262-695-9695 Email: [email protected] Fax: 262-695-6437
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Pastor - Rev. Lonnie Richardson
Pastor Lonnie's deeply held conviction is that Jesus looks beyond what people are to what they can become. He is committed to pastoral care that is driven by the possibilities of the Christian faith in the lives of people. Lonnie's passion is to help people connect with God and realize their full potential.
Pastor Lonnie Richardson possessed over 20 years of pastoral experience, while serving rural, urban and university congregations, when he accepted the call to be the founding minister of Fox River Congregational Church. He has earned advanced degrees in Religion and Divinity as well as completing extensive course work in leadership development and doctoral studies. Lonnie and Mercedes, his wife for nearly 30 years, have three children.
Associate Pastor - Rev. Barry Szymanski
Pastor Barry is a teacher, preacher and spiritual director at heart. He believes that days of reflection are as important as worship for we need to rediscover ourselves in order to gift ourselves to God as followers of Jesus.
Barry earned his Bachelor's degree in 1965, Juris Doctor in 1973, Masters in Pastoral Studies in 2006, and continues his education in matters of faith and pastoral care.
Pastor Barry, a practicing attorney, has worked in law and in law enforcement. In these areas he has also worked as an educator throughout his career. He and his wife, Sue, have been married for over 38 years and their daughter lives in New York. Barry welcomes individuals who want to explore spiritual direction. He will work with them to help them grow in their prayer and relationship with God.
The Reverend Lonnie Richardson preached sermons at a local church in Wauwatosa, Wisconsin. In the process of his time serving the Lord, the thought of building a congregational church came to mind. The seed was planted among many people, and Fox River Congregational Church had it's official beginnings.
On June 3, 2001, Fox River had its first church service at Capitol Cinemas in Pewaukee, Wisconsin. This "church" gave true meaning to what church really means...very little about the "stuff" and the "things" and more about the people and the message. This movie theater changed lives, and brought to life the realness of His word.
That last service at Capitol Cinemas was held on October 9, 2005. On October 16 2005, Fox River Congregational Church was born and a new mission was initiated to turn lives around and to become closer to the Lord. Shortly before the first service, current members had an opportunity to come to a special service that was held on a Wednesday night. This service gave everyone an opportunity to voice their thanks for the blessings of building our church, and also for the personal blessings that the church has provided through Him in our lives. It was an emotional tear filled event that included many hugs, and many words of gratefullness and love.
As followers of Jesus Christ, the Son of God and our Lord and Savior, we covenant with God and one another to personally commit to creating an environment for richer communion with God and to:
OWN the Mission of our Church
LOVE God and love all people through worship, service and fellowship
WITNESS the power of God's love to all people as revealed through Christ
GROW in the knowledge and expression of our faith
WALK in fellowship with one another in respect, understanding, forgiveness and love
DEDICATE our time, talent, and treasure to the service of God
ABIDE in the Congregataional Way as understood and embraced by our fellowship.
Come and embrace the forgiving and encouraging word of hope and life. Visit us on a Sunday. YOUR LIFE IS WAITING FOR YOU AT FOX RIVER CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH!
Rhonda's life was broken when she first entered the doors of capitol cinemas to come to her first church service at Fox River Congregational Church. "I originally came in because another member who is my sister in law, told me about the need for singers, and I thought if I could help out, I would." She was surprised when she walked into the movie theater and saw a self made kiddy care center, an area for Sunday School, and when she smelled an overwhelming scent of popcorn! "I didn't understand how this place would be somewhere where people would want to go for church. I believed that a church needed to be big and spectacular and have lots of stuff and things in order for it to be a true Christian Home. I was so wrong."
Rhonda had suffered years with an alcohol and cigarette addiction. She also had problems dealing with her childhood, and the fact that she had been sexually abused at a very young age left her completely angry at the world and stagnant. "I could not move passed the point of understanding why. I just was slowly killing myself...mentally, physically and spiritually. I was so angry at myself and so mad at the world, and I had absolutely no spiritual connection to God. I put on a great act for people on the outside, but on the inside, I was truly shattered."
The congregation kept encouraging Rhonda. "Everytime I would come to church, I would get hugs. People would ask me how I was doing. People would pray WITH me. People would send me cards telling me that they believed in me. I was so overwhelmed with their acceptance, I think that my spirit had no choice but to give in!" Rhonda's reverend, Lonnie Richardson would visit her when she worked at a Casino, often praying with her at the lunch table and helping her understand the place that God wanted in her life. "This man would walk past all of these other people who were suffering in that place to come straight to me to pray with me and to let me cry on his shoulder. I knew him for less than a year at that point, and I couldn't believe that he was doing this for me in the name of the Christ."
Rhonda decided on August 5, 2004 that it was time to make this change, and on that day, she put away the alcohol and cigarettes and has never gone back. "I can only tell you that there are 3 things that if they were not in my life at that time, I could not have made this dramatic change. My family, Fox River Congregational, and my God."
Rhonda takes her words of encouragement to others who suffer with the same issues. "My reverend told me something wonderful. Our lives are God's gift to us, but what we do with our lives are our gifts to God. I couldn't imagine keeping my mouth shut and not witnessing what this church and what God has done for me in my life. I would like to say that I'm not neccessarily changed. I have just gone back to being who I was meant to be in the first place. The person who took over my life for those years walked out on August 5, 2004 and one less bell to answer is okay with me!"

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Member Since: 23/05/2007
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