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I am here for Friends

About Me

.. We could play to be hypocrite and ignorant although that is what you're. we can play, it will be fun to see who can be more intelligent. I love to see how you run into the empty front of my eyes & cry out that this game ends.
Welcome to a world full of hypocrisy, rejection, amusement, ignorance, lies, interrogations and infinity of things. Let's begin for more coveted the "ignorance" which consists of adding to the stupid thing pretty boys and very smart girls who are said to call: emo, FxC, indie, screamo, Gothic and infinity of kinds. It consists of being alone every day more ignorant, in only concentrating on the physicist, to fall in love with a stupid photo and with commentaries in your profile that they are not royal; it continues judging the persons without to know wherefrom they come, you manage to be an enclosed ignoramus towards your person. Let's continue with the "hypocrisy" it consists of having an identity that you are not, for the simple fact of being accepted in a "different" world you do the possible thing to enter and it does not manage to cost a sorrow. Opens the eyes myspace this one I fill of hypocrites. You are never going to find anybody really loyal. Have as assurance that you will get fun, you are going to re-go, to play, to shout, to fall in love, to annoy and even you manage to cry... Well, welcome to myspace one of the miles of pages coveted by the boys of now. Paginate one in which there is going to come a moment in which not know if you do well on having added so many people that you do not know if they are real or not! Really it is entertained and simultaneously & is stupid. Come to you more than 48 commentaries to diary with the same thing of always " hello, as these?, wherefrom you are? " For god! Better ask all that they are late in editing his photos in order that they do not go out with the face full of blemishes, it is more interesting not? If you want to know more of this world there continues ordering infinity of messages, sick furthermore your mind with inferiorities We go! It is entertained, sides that it is a game of your daily life.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Sobre la Luna, en su menguante
Vago taciturno buscando por ti;
Entre la bruma, como fiel amante
Desvanezco mi silueta de forma baladí.

Allá, en la nada infinita...
Donde tu voz suena más pura
Que el canto del viento;
Allá, donde el bálsamo hermoso
No es más que tu caminar incierto.

Donde el crepúsculo que tiñe de rojo los mares
Son tus lágrimas derramadas en fervientes aquelarres.

Donde los ósculos del ocaso bañan de dorado
Las costas donde Tú, frágilmente has caminado.
Allá, donde el corazón lo inundas
Con un toque de tu melancolía;
Abres las puertas de mi alma
Y te entierras, anhelándote mía.

Donde los sonidos perpetuos vagan a través de la noche carmesí…
Y viejos cuervos vociferan canciones que por la noche, he hecho para ti.

Allá, donde el rosicler es precioso
Y el Dios celoso, niega tu belleza
En todo el sinfín…
Mientras que yo, de ella gozo
Y fenezco, con aquellos besos
De tus labios muertos.

¡Oh, Luna Funesta!
¿Será el feral velo mortecino que ilumina sus ojos aperlados en mis utopías?
¿Será la fina ventisca blanquecina que trae su silueta a mi gélida habitación?
Porque, lúcido…
He visto su desnudez lánguida

Porqué, luciferino…
Es el fulgor de su mirada

Porque, perpetuo en tus brazos
He de pernoctar;
Porque te adoro, porque te sueño…
Mortis Pulchritudinist meam

                     ¡Te Amo, Andrea!
låивяе gяøтеø

Amen dico vobis quia unus vestrum me traditurus est