Sweet Jesus I forgot how much opportunity there is to just go on and on and on! No. I'm not gonna do this one right now. I like a ton of stuff, not that into sports but that doesn't mean I refuse to participate, love movies, love reading, hate hate hate most video art, I like shoes, travelling to cities, moving every six months (not so much an interest/like thing, as much as a habit), finding deals, oh whatever, that's good for now, I'm tired and should be in bed for cryin' out loud! But of course, being the die hard profiler I am, I will continue. Oh, I just joined the Pan Theater Improv Society, and I'm a proud volunteer w/ 826 Valencia doing writing tutoring every now and then! FUN!
Probably you. If you can conjugate verbs correctly that's a major plus. Someone who is proud to be a dork. Someone who might like to give me a present for no apparent reason at some random time. People who like people. Someone with stories. Someone to make out with - cause that's just a necessity. You get bonus points for making out. That's definitely good. I'd like to meet someone who will be as long and rambling as I am, and likes it. People who can make fun of me and make me laugh at myself. Those who can laugh at life. Idealists. Those who think they're good boyfriend material. Don't ask me what that is, though, cause as you can see I'm single, and therfore have no idea. But if you can rock the cute smile it works every time. And that's good enough for me.Like cheese and movies. And a blue drink with an umbrella. Or good beer and DVDs.Whatever, as long as you don't smell bad or are butt-hurt psychotic, I probably want to meet you.And Ethan Embry. On a warm day. In a blue wife beater. With pizza.And that's about it.
Let's just go through a really rapid fire list of what's on my iPod - should give you a basic idea of my range in taste, if not necessarily my favorites and all that junk. So here is the gist of it: They Might Be Giants, Beck, Cake, Gnarls Barkley, Black Eyed Peas, Dynamite Hack, Rooney, Liz Phair, Bob Dylan, Junior Brown, Patsy Cline, The Beatles, Lil John, Arctic Monkeys, The Shins, The Stills, The Thrills, Getaway People, Tom Petty, Warren Zeffon, Luscious Jackson, Michael Jackson, Old 97's, Gorillaz, Yann Tiersson, Mark Mothersbaugh, Matisyahu, Bob Marley, Johnny Frank Cranks, Pyramus Never Dies, Saves the Day, The Refreshments, Soul Kid, The Proclaimers, Propellerheads, Jimmy Luxury, Harry Nilsson, Macy Gray, Mephiskapheles, Reverend Horton Heat, Santo & Johnny, The Olympics, Elwood, My Atomic Hero, Modest Mouse, the Pixies, The Cure, and the list goes on and on and on and on...
can't do this one now. Too much time and even more thought is required. My all time favorite is A Christmas Story, then comes the Royal Tenenbaums, Welcome to the Dollhouse, The Mexican, Bottle Rocket, and no. Can't go on. Mustn't go on. I'll do this in the daytime.
Same sentiment as above. I love the O.C. Even though season three got crappy, I have hope, and plan to watch it again in September. There are a shit-ton more, but like I said, same sentiment as above. Just gotta get SOMETHING written.
Christopher Moore everything!!! Alice in Wonderland, and other fun escapist fiction. I'm reading the newest Candace Bushnell book right now and it SUCKS. But I have to finish it to find out if there ever really was a plot. Ignorant writing (like this book) is irritating. Sometimes.
The Great Dane, Nacho Mama, and many others.