i love dancing...sO much! DaNcInG...cOLLecTinG hipHop ThaNGz... SuRfiNg d InET.. LiSTeNing 2 HipHOp MUzicZ And RnB FLaVaz... ParTyinG, DisCOinG... HaNGouT Wid Mha FreNDz...
i'd like to meet simple girls but rocks....!!!! aLL pArTy PipZ oUT der.....
i like rnb sOngs...!!! any RhYThm and BLuEs.....REggaE Flavaz, HipHopz.. Esp.AcoustiC..
actiOn,comedy n sometimes horror....kill BiLL 1&2, 2Fast aNd 2FuRIOuS, U goT SErVed....
any channel....hehe.
nOt sO much w/ bOoks....