aboot 5th ishski.. Hair is blonde, sexy blonde. My eyes are blue. I play guitar...drums...piano...violin...timpani, gondolas and the dildo sticks, in fact every single instrument in the world.brill sense of humour :P i think.. although can't tell a joke for cheese. :D
* My pals.. friends until the end.. shamone, they rule.. can't get by without my good pals.. always there for me :D
* Going cadets... well to rebel really because its trs barbant :D
* Lindsay lohan.. very fit... :D:D
* Queen - what classics
* The darkness - fab new rock..
* The arctic monkeys.. hell yeah my sheffield friends
* The local chinese buffet.. cheap.. pleasant.. nice food, and i can have my breakfast, lunch and dinner all in one hour
* Uni, believe it or not, its can be really fun a right social :)
* The guitar.. Can entertain yourself for hours, me a guitar and a glass of strawberry juice
* Curry.. A night out at a curry restaurant would keep me very happy
* Trips to london.. the idea is not too look like a tourist hahaha
* Joyriding with my pals... not literally.. he has a license.. but just driving until the land ends
My Hates
* People who moan when they have put themselves in that situation, lmao
* the coldness... brrrr,
* Being woke up and not being able to get back to sleep
* That annoying women when you dial a number wrong
hmmm, thats about it.. not many hates really.. im sure if time stood still i could think of some more :D
Anyway enjoy, leave comments if you will.. or notski
MARDY BUM (LIVE @ ASTORIA) (Arctic Monkeys)
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