L.A Brian profile picture

L.A Brian


About Me

I like to drink, it makes me better at sports. I used to shave things in the back of my bowl cut. I broke a thousand hearts and I'll break a thousand more. Charlie used to be jealous of my jump shot. I'm the son of Bob. I was once described as a young Domique Wilkins. I once lived off of Invisible Cola. I was there when they unveiled the McRib and I saw the Flinstones movie because of it.

Myspace contact table generator custom and myspace comment boxes from spacepimping.com

My Interests

Sammy’s porn collection, the early morning breakfast sausage sandwich at IMS, Snake hill, driving with Benji, balcony jump, the dragon sleeper and using my shirt as a napkin, a sponge, a blanket, a shield, a refugee for the homeless, a magnet for chicks and a national preservation for rare and endangered species

I'd like to meet:

Kenneth when he was addicted to cigarettes, Jared Bloch age 53, The person who decided to put Marth and Roy in Smash Brothers, Dho Hah, the writer of Surf Ninjas, Me in Hebrew class at the JCC summer camp


Michael Jackson age 9, Tito Jackson age 15, Tommy Lee age 19, Britney Spears age 26, Keith Richards age 34, Elvis age 41, Jerry Lee Lewis age 72


3 ninjas, surf ninjas, ninja ninja, teenage mutant ninja turtles and Ghostbusters


Tim Red