Every Weekday Morning 7-10am Dj Kanga and Majestic Mc take you through with the very best in quality ukg old and new. Paired up due to their distinctive radio presentations and quality music selection, this is one pair that you will find hard not to be entertained by.
Music form the likes of Sunship, Todd Edwards, Control-S, Mj Cole, Issac Christopher, Misty Dubs, Maj-Funk, Tj Cases, Tuff Jam plus other big names within the Ukg Scene. Every Week you will also catch the biggest exlcusive interviews from Djs/Mcs/Producers/Labels involved in the UKG scene.
You can listen to the show on the Fm dial Subjam 104.7fm if your in the london/Herts area, if not www.subjam.com is where you can catch this show online. If you have any music/suggestions you want to give in reards to the Breakfast show please feel free to email Hannah at [email protected]
1) Ny- Fire (Misty Dubz Remix)
2) Maj-Funk- You Cant Change Me
3) Garage Allstars- The Vulture
4) Dexplicit- No Good (Start the Dance)
5) Issac Christopher- Have you got that feeling
6) Kele Le Roc- Naked (Control-s remix)
7) Four Kornerz- Gonna Make it (Control-s Mix)
8) Nelly Futardo- Say it right (Tremore Fire Duz)
9) Jean- Crazy (Sunship Mix)
10) JJ Louis- Shame
Garage Allstars Interview
On Wedensday 23rd May we had MI RAW's Garage Allstars live in the studio answering your questions about the scene and their forthcoming track "The Vultue" If you missed this simply copy the link below into your explorer and download the interview.
Garage Allstars consist of DT, CKP, PSG, CREED, SHARKY P
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