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Nicole Bosso

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

(Scroll bar-to the right) I am majoring in Mass Communications at the University of Delaware with a minor in Philosophy. My goal is to receive a Ph.D in Communications & become a college professor. I competed in the Miss USA 2007 pageant held at the Kodak Theatre in California. I was a cast member on CW's reality show 'Crowned'. That was such a great experience to have with my mom. I have met some amazing people along the way and from each person I've learned something valuable. I spend my free time with my family, my amazing & supportive boyfriend Dane, traveling all over the place, modeling, playing with my dogs, volunteering and enjoying life! I am goofy, spontaneous, charismatic, confident, energetic and fun. Sometimes I am very blunt but there is never a reason to beat around the bush. My boyfriend and I belong to Paws for People and we are very proud of our dog Roxy who is now an official therapy dog. I love animals!! I am a strong advocate for PETA. I am against animal cruelty. I recently moved to Clearwater, FL and intern at Fox Television studios for Fall semester. Then I am off to Australia to study abroad from January- February. Australian Open- here I come! Anything else you want to know just ask! :)Best Wishes, Nicole xo....

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I am not sure who I would like to meet.View All Friends | View Blog | Add Comment



I like everything but metal and hard rock.


Tuesdays With Morrie, Five People you Meet in Heaven, Virgin Suicides, The Secret


My mom for being strong enough to raise a child at a young age & for sacrificing her goals in order to do so.

My Blog

ANIMAL CRUELTY: Please become educated!!!

THIS IS THE STUFF THAT GOES ON EVERYDAY. IT BREAKS MY HEART!!!       ..Order a FREE vegetarian starter kit at ..Sign the Pledge Against Anim...
Posted by Nicole Bosso on Tue, 08 Apr 2008 10:12:00 PST