Firstly I'd like to thank you if you're actually reading this and taking a bit of time to find out about us and not the quick few second skip thru person who ignores us as were just a little tip of the finger nail unknown band. We do add folk who are bothered and care about the world and life around them and we aint going to chase people to make us look great having 3000 friends who have not actually heard anything we do. Our work to date has been 100% DIY and done on a low budget and in not much time and simply backs up what we have to say. If you look in our blogs we offer our work free and do have things to say, we cover subjects about wars, state of the world, debt, violence, internet grooming and more and is how we feel, other peoples views are different and in no way are we forcing anything on anyone. We have made pals with some good folk and gigged with some good bands who see what we're about and our heads are a million miles away from our arses.....hope you look a bit further cheers snubbed.
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